Friday, October 19, 2007

Thoughts for Today

Well, today has been an interesting day.  I have been doing a little shopping, and of course people watching.  Both my wife and I enjoy watching people immensely, in all the diversity and obviously different looks and personalities you see.  Its amazing how God creates such diversity in His Creation, even in nature it is immense. 

Why do you suppose He does this?  Possibly to communicate to us the vastness of His creativity, or maybe He is just an artist at heart?  He creates His children in a variety of colors, and shapes and sizes.  He creates them with all sorts of personalities and characteristics.  You can see His artistic abilities in everything He does, and this creation is His canvas, His Masterpiece, or His expression of who He is.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.  Romans 1:20 NASB

This verse from the New Testament tells us that we are without excuse, if by what God has created we still don't see Him.  Maybe we just need to look a little bit closer to what is right around us to understand that God has been there all along, represented in what He has created.

Listen to the audio discussion of this subject at:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

There is no more barrier between Jew and Gentile

Here in Ephesians we see that both Jew and Gentile can return to God.  Because of the ultimate price paid by Christ Jesus the one and only unique Son of God.  AND HE CAME AND PREACHED PEACE TO YOU WHO WERE FAR AWAY, AND PEACE TO THOSE WHO WERE NEAR.  So that the barrier of enmity between us would be so that in Himself He might make two into one new man, thus establishing peace.  Ephesians 2:11-22

Come join us at the Mindworthy Audio Commentary as we look into this wonderful news for those who wish to draw near to God.  Everyone is welcome to draw near to God and also to be a part of the Mindworthy Audio Commentary.

See you there

Bill Collier

A quick summery of Ephesains so far

The Apostle Paul addressing the Christians at Ephesus as the faithful in Christ Jesus.  The idea behind this is that this church or these believers in Ephesus are a group of healthy believers.  There is an absence of many of the problems that were going on in some of the other churches.  Such as in Corinth, there was quite a few problems that Paul addresses concerning that church.  While in Ehpesus they were displaying the qualities of a healthy church.

Paul begins by telling them to continue on seeking God and loving one another, while looking to Jesus for all that is in store for the believer in Jesus.  Paul begins listing the wonderful Graces God has lavished upon the believers, explaining who we are as believers and what God the Father has done and is doing for us. 

The wonderful point of the letter to the Ephesians is that in it we see what we have in Christ Jesus, and who we are.  Being the adopted children of God who chose us before the Heavens and the earth were even created, and has been loving us ever since.  Not only that but God the Father has even created a destiny for each one of us of good works in which we are called to walk or live in. 

My suggestion is read the first chapter and join us in the second chapter as we find out just who we are as Christians and what is in store for us now and in the future.  Learning how to be a Christian who walks with God and lives in the Power of the Holy Spirit.  Being directed to the abundant life that the unbeliever cannot understand nor be apart of. 

In my opinion after you take a very close look at this letter to the Ephesians, understanding who you are in Christ Jesus.  You will walk away (so to speak) a new creation that God intended you to be all along.  Even to the seasoned Christian who has years behind them will have a refreshed understanding of who they are in Jesus.

So come join us in the examination of the letter to the Ephesians at the Mindworthy Audio Commentary at: 

God Bless YOU

Bubba Bill Collier

A Mindworthy Anouncement!

Hi there, as you can tell, I haven't updated my blog for some time. That is because I have been busy with the Mindworthy Audio Commentary. Now that it is underway and the response is much greater than I expected or thought at this stage. I feel it is time to announce it on my written blog. So that is what I am doing, announcing to you that the Mindworthy Audio Commentary is under way and you are welcome to check it out.

I will use this written blog to give timely updates on the Commentary, and also give a brief explanation of what is being discussed on the Commentary. Because of the response to the Commentary I am very excited to see what God dose in the next couple of months. Here is where I will also let you know about the different subjects and topics being discussed.

Right now I am in the middle of teaching the letter to the Ephesians. We are in the second chapter and the next addition will be in verse 11. If you would like to hear a different style of teaching, one that is from a simple perspective yet profound, because it is the Word of God. Well then I think you will like this laid back informal study. My desire is to present God's Word as honestly as I possibly can with accuracy and sincerity. So come on over and give it a listen and I think you will agree that the Word of God is a wealth of necessary information and knowledge needed today by mankind just to maintain sanity in a crazy world.

If you are not a Christian, its ok, you will find a wealth of positive information and councel to help you understand your reason for existing and the purpose for your life. This is the address for the Mindworthy Audio Commentary:

Thank You

R. William Collier