Psalm 23:1 A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. #Bible
I remember when I was in construction and it was a real lean time. I was really broke, I didn't have two cents to rub together. I remember looking through my cabinets trying to find something to eat, there was nothing. Moving things around, I noticed a bunch of bags, so I pulled them out. To my surprise they were k- rations a friend of mine had given me months before. I had totally forgot about them. Well with nothing to eat, probably for the next few days I decided to try them. They were excellent, even the chocolate bar that had turned white. So even though I thought there was nothing I had something.
This verse makes two points, the first is the Lord is my Shepherd, meaning Jesus closely watches over me, and He is my Companion. Being Jehovah, that says something.
This next word is want, meaning to lack, or to diminish, or decrease into poverty.
I can say, even though I was very close to having to go a few days without food I was never lacking, or wanting because of those k-rations.
With Jesus being our Shepherd, means He not only will watch over us and feed us He is our companion through this life. Jesus has never failed in His duties, He has perfectly carried them out.
So as the Psalmist David has proclaimed, so can we declare our Savior and Great Shepard Jesus the Christ is our Shepard and we will lack nothing, nor diminish, or want. Praise the Lord!