Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mystery $100M donation lifts Pa. city - Yahoo! News

This is what life should be about, this is what news should be about!  Just considering the beauty of this act and the insistence of the donor remaining anonymous. 

Today is "Random acts of kindness day", and what a wonderful act of kindness this truly is.  For this person you can't help but know that this gift cost them something to give this act of kindness, and following the biblical stance on giving:

"But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.  Matthew 6:3-4 (NASB)

It isn't done this way so that the Father God will reward you.  Of coarse if you have ever given anonymously and stood back and watched the good that comes from it.  You will know that it is quite hard to imagine any better reward than that.  But the icing on the cake so to speak, is that our Father in Heaven does reward us.

From this article you should be amazed at how everyone automatically excepts the giver's anonymity.  Being a donation of 100M, you would think people would be freaking out just to find out what kind of insane person would do such a thing. 

That isn't the attitude of today's social  thinking.  But amazing as it is, these people except the circumstances in which the money is given, with thanksgiving and honor and tears of joy.  It has the makings of a very warm and wonderful holiday season.  Maybe even returning to a time, an attitude, when we just thanked God for His Kindness.


Bill Collier



Mystery $100M donation lifts Pa. city - Yahoo! News

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ga. governor prays for rain amid drought - Yahoo! News

It's nice to see when someone is at their worst that they are not afraid of what people will say.  Governor Sonny Perdue is this kind of man, and leader.  A leader who will stand up for God, recognizing Him as the solution to the problem.  Not going to soothsayers or psychics, like allot of our leaders would do today. 

Just to come across an article like this is very refreshing to my heart and my spirit as a Christian, and it motivates me to join in and to agree with Governor Sonny Perdue, asking our Lord God to please bring rain for Ga. in the Name of Jesus.  And I will continue to pray for rain for this state. 

Our country has gone to far in a lot of ways, especially in the area of not honoring God and giving Him the respect and reverence due Him.  I believe that we are suffering as a country because of this fact.  No not being punished as some would like to say, but because in neglecting God, He has no choice but to honor our attitude and neglect us also. 

God is a Gentleman when it comes to His relationship with us.  He will not force Himself on us nor will He get angry at us for our neglect of Him.  His time of anger was two thousand years ago when Jesus our Lord and Savior suffered our punishment, for yours and my sins and rebellious neglect and rejection of God. 

God's Wrath is in the future when He will fully honor the wishes of those who choose to not believe in Him, or those who don't want anything to do with Him.  When He gives them exactly what they have wanted all along, separation from God once and forever.

Bill Collier

Ga. governor prays for rain amid drought - Yahoo! News

Volcanoes could have caused dinosaur deaths

I have just a little, well maybe allot of trouble believing this article.  As usual the writer assumes a whole bunch of information to be truthful fact.  We are looking at, as this article states, a time in history that is from 63 to 67 million years ago. 

Do you think some decay has taken place in that amount of time?  Or maybe a whole lot of changes that have taken place unnoticed to this research which they claim to be new. 

Even studying fossils, or DNA that just happened to be preserved enough to be examined 63 to 67 million years later seems a bit of a stretch to me.  Look at how quick they are claiming the ice shelves are melting.  Do you think that this episode will be remembered 63 to 67 million years from now?

Its too bad that people who are supposed to be educated and even trained for special studies such as these could find better ways to convince me than to use speculation, which is tomorrow's fact, and enormous amounts of time to justify their research. 

Honestly, to me when these kind of excuses are used I can't help but feel there goes another education sold out to the lust of money and fame.  Honesty is a rare commodity these days among these kinds of researchers.


Volcanoes could have caused dinosaur deaths - LiveScience- msnbc.com

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Definition changing for people's privacy - Yahoo! News

Obviously there is a problem with privacy in the U. S., but I think it is has a relatively easy solution.  That you don't cross lines without  justification!  If the line of privacy has to be crossed it has to be for a reason, a purpose.  Just collecting information at random is totally wrong.  If monitoring is necessary, that is all it is, and if nothing is found then shut the door and move on.  This was accomplished with the requirement of court permission.

I understand that this word "collecting information"  is at the heart of this issue.  Well that is the problem and that is where everyone concerned is getting into trouble.  The attitude for this information isn't for a specific reason per say, but the attitude is " well since we have it we might as well use it for what ever else we want. 

Storing the information is the biggest problem of all.  Storing it only leads to problems and as we all know there are serious people who want to get their hands on this.  Thus the dilemma, and I believe the problem.  Collecting information and saving it is the violation, not using it to accomplish an objective of national security and then destroying it from any further use.

Privacy is privacy, period!   Americans in my opinion are supportive of governmental invasion, as long as it is honestly protecting American citizens.  The issue of those who are relatively new to our country, I believe, would fall under the criteria of monitoring because of their newness.  I don't see anything wrong, nor do I feel that the new card carriers (immigrants) in honesty, would disagree with closer monitoring either.

When my life is effected, or even harmed because of my privacy is being violated.  You know that something is wrong, and court order, or no court order is even right.  The real enemy to me is the one who violates me, and that person from the court on up or down needs to be punished.  That is Justice!

God Bless YOU

Bill Collier

Definition changing for people's privacy - Yahoo! News
