Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mature Human Embryos Created From Adult Skin Cells -

This reminds me of a story about a scientist who challenged God to a contest.  The scientist told God I can create life just like you, and God said ok, I'll create something and you create it too.  So God created a mouse, and the mouse began walking around looking for something to eat.  God said to the scientist ok, your turn.  So the scientist began collecting his things and getting his lab ready and he began mixing his potions and getting his samples of tissue and such, when God said, wait a minute!  Get your own stuff!

Point being, we tend to use this word "create" a little too loosely.  To truly create something it would have to be from nothing.  So as we read this article keep that fact in mind. 

The real question to this article is the same old one.  Do we have the right to copy life, or in a limited sense create life?  Is it moral for us to do this?  Well that is the reason I am writing this article on the subject of another article. 

Producing replacement tissue seems to be fine, but in order to understand what this means, requires a few questions to be answered first.  For example the words egg and embryos seem to be used synonymously in this article.  The question is what qualifies an egg to become an embryo, are they saying that because of the fusing of the skin tissue with an egg warrants it to be called an embryo?  Well then ok, we can go with that, and on that basis we would consider that the egg also, if not harvested would be naturally discarded by the donors body, well that's fine too.  I don't see any moral issue with that, in being any different from taking an aspirin for a headache, or using an artery from a leg to bypass a blocked one by the heart.

However, on the subject of cloning a human being, now that's a controversy!  I would have to take the stance that cloning a human being is wrong morally, and especially for any other reason than to allow such an individual to live normally and free.  The moral question, would a cloned individual have a soul?  Well of course they would, and you ask how?  Simply, I must point back to the story in the first paragraph.  God is still in control of everything that happens on this planet.  Nothing escapes His notice, all things are visible in His sight.  If we were to produce a cloned human being by fusing a egg with DNA and calling it a embryo, and then inserting it into a woman's womb to gestate to maturity and birth.  God would be completely involved in this individuals life in the intimacy of the womb just like anyone else.  God would also be using His "stuff" to allow all of this to happen.  If He didn't want it to happen it wouldn't. 

Being a God who is everything that the word "LOVE" imply's would never allow a being come to life that wouldn't be Loved by him.  In that Love, would demand that this cloned individual would posses a soul just like everyone of us. and as the Bible verse communicates, God Loves the whole world, not just some in the world.

"For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send His Son into the world that He might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.                                      John 3:16,17  (Holman Christian Standard Bible)


R. William Collier


Mature Human Embryos Created From Adult Skin Cells -

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

2 tons of explosives found amongst humanitarian aid en route to Gaza - Worthy News

Well isn't this interesting, just a while ago I wrote about an article titled "The Gaza reduced to beggary" in which the accusation was leveled against Israel that they wouldn't even allow humanitarian supplies into the Gaza.  Well according to this article Israel has been doing just that. 

Wouldn't you know it, the terrorists will stop at nothing as they, under the guise of transporting these humanitarian supplies have been caught twice this week alone for smuggling two tons of  fertilizer known to be used in manufacturing the rockets they are firing into Israel. Probably Ammonium Nitrate, the same fertilizer used in the Oklahoma bombing a few years ago.

It just goes to show you, when you attempt to shake hands with a snake your gonna get bit.  These terrorists don't care about those children who need batteries for their hearing aids, not to mention medical supplies.  They don't care about anyone if they don't care about their own children. 

Israel is there, they are living this very difficult existence, this nightmare.  They know the truth about what is going on, and then someone writes an article attempting to get the world to feel sorry for those poor people in Gaza, reality says Israel is who we should feel for.  I wouldn't say feel sorry, but proud of Israel's handling of this situation and the battle they are in. 

R. William Collier


2 tons of explosives found amongst humanitarian aid en route to Gaza - Worthy News