Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Faith Is

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. #Bible

First of all, I believe you need to read, even study the entire letter to the Hebrews, and maybe the entire Bible to fully comprehend this verse.
Faith is given to each one of us, nonbeliever and believer alike.
Faith itself is the proof or demonstration of God's existence, to believe God is.
Faith is the guarantee for our hope.
Faith is the evidence that proves everything that exists in the unseen spiritual world.
Faith is the primary power and the foundation of life itself. All that's left in the absence of faith is chaos and sin.
Faith is God and God created faith for us. It is the narrow path that leads to Jesus, it is the calmer of our fears, it is the motivation to accomplish great feat's of service to God.
Faith is the vehicle of Love.
Faith is another way God Loves us.
Faith is because God is.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

God's Good Love

Psalm 107:1 Book Five, Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! #Bible

Giving thanks to God our Father is one of the best ways to keep from taking God for granted.  It also keeps us in a humble frame of mind towards Him, allowing us to see His Goodness.
We tend to want to take credit, or glory for what we do or accomplish. If we are honest we would have to admit or maybe confess that it is God's hand or direction that has brought us to our place of accomplishment.
Nobody loves us like God. Just think of Jesus our Lord, and that should overwhelmingly prove that. Think about how roughly 2000 years before we were born or even a thought, God sent His Son Jesus to pay the requirement for our rebellious sins. Yes God was thinking of us, and Loving us back then, not to mention Jesus who joyfully submitted to our Father.
I am thankful for God's steadfast and enduring Love because I fail so often remembering to be thankful to my Lord God. I try to make it habit to be thankful, but even that can be dangerous, because I know our Lord Loves honest sincerity.
Maybe that's when we should just worship Him even if its just us in our own heads, because our
God's Love is steadfast towards us forever.
God is Good and it is proven by His Love, or His Love is proven by His Goodness. You decide on that one.

Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life.