Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? ESV #Bible
God has told us what is good; and we know in our hearts what is good. When we think of our loved ones we know what is good and we try our best to be good to them.
God tells us to be good not only to our loved ones, but be good to everyone. Even to those who don't particularly like us, or even hate us, our enemies.
Why? Maybe in being good they wouldn't hate us or be our enemies any more.
In Loving our enemies, we are acting justly towards them. Even further than that being just in all we do, although it's not always the popular option, but in the long run it will play out to be the best option.
A beautiful thing happens when we do good, we begin to love and enjoy being kind to others, because we start seeing and experiencing the good things that come and the wreckage we use to create in our past starts to fade in our distant past. Soon the wreckage is replaced with the good things, even good memories.
There is a catch though, none of this is possible if we are not walking humbely with God.
To walk with God we must first humble ourselves before God and repent of our sins. Then we must believe in Jesus our Saviour, who has paid the requirement that is due for our sins.
If we are humble we are happy to rid ourselves of our sins, and then God is happy to have us walk with Him. To humbly live our lives directed and protected by Our God through His Spirit.
Praise the Lord!