Christianity the silent force that calls the masses to morality, to a life of nobility, honesty, trust, and faith. It has been continually attacked and maligned, it is continually disrespected.
One asks why? The answer is found in the pages of Gods Word the Bible. Simply to say it is good versus evil, the wicked against the Righteous, Love against hatred.
I fear not for Christianity, but for the United States, for America and those other countries who honor God. It is their state I am concerned with.
When God is rejected on a national level and the people follow suit turning into a godless nation God honors their action and leaves them to themselves.
When reading the historical books of the old testament in the Bible we see an obvious pattern take shape. How the nation or even the individual, when going through hardships they would naturally cry out to God and He would hear their cries and save them. Then they would become prosperous and grow fat so to speak, and think it was by their own efforts and reject God. Then God would leave them to themselves and once again they would fall to their previous state of desperation.
As Christians we see this scenario taking place in the US today. More and more people are rejecting God. We are even seeing obvious groups of people claiming Christianity yet remaining in their sin, prostituting themselves to a false belief of acceptance by God. Even though God’s Word, the Bible clearly states that they are rebelling against God in the continuance of their sin. In this verse we need to understand how God feels about sin:
Ezekiel 18:4 Look, every life belongs to Me. The life of the father is like the life of the son–both belong to Me. The person who sins is the one who will die.
I would recommend reading enough of this chapter to understand this point in context. So if God rewards sin with death, to keep from being put to death we should refrain from sin. Understand this death isn’t only the death of the body, but separation from God, the ultimate death referred to in the Bible as the lake of fire, or known as hell. I will leave it up to you to Continue reading God’s Word to understand sin. Simply to say sin is rebellion against God.
Our own country is in a very dangerous place if we continue in rebellion against God, but if we turn towards Him and seek God’s Wisdom, we will find a place of prosperity towards the future, not only in wealth, but as individuals trusting in God. Then sin will be seen for what it is.
The days are short, and I believe it is close to the return of our God and Saviour Jesus the Christ. This will usher in the age of chaos known as the tribulation. Not a time you want to experience, call out to Jesus and be saved from God’s Wrath before its too late.