Saturday, May 10, 2008

The real threat to Google - MSN Money

I just happened to spot this article.  I am amazed at how there are some people in key places that are seeing  communiformation trends of the future.  Did I just make a new word?  Well whatever, I find it amazing how human beings attempt to reinvent themselves in a new environment yet aren't able to change their same old characteristics.  It is truly a rare thing to see or experience something brand new that isn't something else just reinvented. 

I don't think that this is just a threat to Google, I believe this trend is a threat to Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, and the list just keeps growing.  What's interesting is for those who are spotting these trends and capitalizing on them are the Bill Gates, and the Google Boys of the future (That's a capital "B" in boys for respect). 

I see the communiformation trend going beyond the the tiny glass screens, basically because they are just too small.  Even browsing the web can be frustrating on those sites (at present that haven't conformed to the mobile web).  The consumer is always aging and there is a whole new crew coming up right behind them, so adaptation will be the name of the game for all of these tech companies.  God forbid a generation gap, boy that must be the nightmare that these tech giants hate to dream. 

The consumer in my opinion, will adjust to a screen probably some where's around 3x5 or maybe even as big as 4x8 inches.  Maybe the bigger for the aging with diminishing eye sight.  They will also want everything they experience on their home computer, also including wifi calling with their Bluetooth.  For me I prefer the 4x8 screen because I'm an old fart and have to squint more.  I know that there are a lot of other cool gadgets out there but in the mainstream of consumers it is of course convenience and price.  As far as price goes, if those online services that are free now attempt to charge the consumer directly, will be the dinosaurs of the future.   

R. William Collier    

The real threat to Google - MSN Money

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Microsoft exec on Yahoo: 'We've moved on' | Beyond Binary - A blog by Ina Fried - CNET

Some times when you have your head in the machinery you miss the world passing you by.

I have been following the saga of the "Microhoo" mini series and yes it has been quite entertaining, but I do believe that all of these big players are supposed to be involved in bringing services and products to the consumer.  Services and products with simplicity, comfortability and inexpensively. 

To me what is really going on is everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off, searching (no pun intended) for what the consumer wants and even where the trend is going. 

The migration of the population in technology is based on, of course popularity, and on the benefit to one's life.  The big boys like Microsoft, yahoo (lower case because they are melting right now), and Google I believe, are caught up in a distracting game of king of the egos and aren't even paying attention to what is really important, like the consumer, Hello!  We're over here!

If you want to know what I am noticing (and your probably not paying attention) is stuff like, just about every business out there is starting to offer WIFI like green or blue stamps, you know like forty years ago.  That means if you aren't ready for WIFI phones and very small laptops, and PDAs', and such, all emphasizing mobility and low or even no cost to the consumer, like the cellular companies, you will be left behind. 

If you aren't catering to the consumers need of instant gratification and the convenience WIFI will bring,  in your applications, you will be left behind.  I am of the belief that the consumer is even becoming increasingly more callus to the present form of search advertising and this is showing that a shift will be necessary in the near future.  Definitely video and automation are going to dominate in time as far as the "online" experience goes.

Not to mention our computers.  It really bugs you guys that more and more consumers do the hit and run?  What I mean is, on the net long enough to get what they need and they are gone.  With external hard drives and home servers, consumers are turning away from long periods of time looking at a monitor.  When you think about this, the number of online services the consumer will stay on for, shrinks drastically.  What's the answer?  Well the return of our Messiah, but aside from that happening is two fronts.  Of course mobility, and the other is simplicity, well, ok three, cost also.

And in closing, just one more little teaser, or maybe better put.  Why do we even need a browser?

R. William Collier

Microsoft exec on Yahoo: 'We've moved on' | Beyond Binary - A blog by Ina Fried - CNET