Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christianity the Silent force

Christianity the silent force that calls the masses to morality, to a life of nobility, honesty, trust, and faith.  It has been continually attacked and maligned, it is continually disrespected.

One asks why?  The answer is found in the pages of Gods Word the Bible.  Simply to say it is good versus evil, the wicked against the Righteous, Love against hatred.

I fear not for Christianity, but for the United States, for America and those other countries who honor God.  It is their state I am concerned with.

When God is rejected on a national level and the people follow suit turning into a godless nation God honors their action and leaves them to themselves.

When reading the historical books of the old testament in the Bible we see an obvious pattern take shape.  How the nation or even the individual, when going through hardships they would naturally cry out to God and He would hear their cries and save them.  Then they would become prosperous and grow fat so to speak, and think it was by their own efforts and reject God.  Then God would leave them to themselves and once again they would fall to their previous state of desperation.

As Christians we see this scenario taking place in the US today.  More and more people are rejecting God.  We are even seeing obvious groups of people claiming Christianity yet remaining in their sin, prostituting themselves to a false belief of acceptance by God.  Even though God’s Word, the Bible clearly states that they are rebelling against God in the continuance of their sin.  In this verse we need to understand how God feels about sin:

Ezekiel 18:4 Look, every life belongs to Me.  The life of the father is like the life of the son–both belong to Me.  The person who sins is the one who will die.

I would recommend reading enough of this chapter to understand this point in context.  So if God rewards sin with death, to keep from being put to death we should refrain from sin.  Understand this death isn’t only the death of the body, but separation from God, the ultimate death referred to in the Bible as the lake of fire, or known as hell.  I will leave it up to you to Continue reading God’s Word to understand sin.  Simply to say sin is rebellion against God.

Our own country is in a very dangerous place if we continue in rebellion against God, but if we turn towards Him and seek God’s Wisdom, we will find a place of prosperity towards the future, not only in wealth, but as individuals trusting in God.  Then sin will be seen for what it is.

The days are short, and I believe it is close to the return of our God and Saviour Jesus the Christ.  This will usher in the age of chaos known as the tribulation.  Not a time you want to experience, call out to Jesus and be saved from God’s Wrath before its too late.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I am at rest in God alone

Psalms 62:1-2  [For the leader. Set in the style of Y'dutun. A psalm of David:] My soul waits in silence for God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and salvation, my stronghold; I won't be greatly moved.  (CJV)

Being so close to Christmas I imagine like most parents and people in general, many are feeling quite tired at this stage.  Not only from the busyness of the season, but due to the financial expenditures also.  I am one of these too, as I have to be there to do all of this choosing presents, and figuring the money, and that everything is fair amongst the children, and adults even the in laws.

As I woke up this morning and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, looking at my phone to see my morning devotion verses, Psalms 62:1 hit the bulls eye.  That is what I need today, and as I ponder that thought it is what I need to remember every day, especially come the end of every day. 

Starting this day realizing I waiting-ly rest in the Lord and find confidence in His Salvation to come.  My strength is renewed and what ever comes my way today is within my Lord’s care.

Really what more is important than to recognize that God has everything in control, in fact it is Jesus who holds everything together, as we see in the letter to the Colossians in the Bible. 

All of our Lord’s activity in the past present and even the future is directly related to our lives and God’s Will is being accomplished.  I find it much better to be involved, than to be not. 

That word “not” is terrible, when it is used to see if I am in the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus.  That would mean that I would be an object of God’s Wrath, and that’s not good. 

We celebrate the Birth of Jesus in a couple of days and the hustle and bustle will be over and Joy will abound.  My hope is that your joy is that Jesus' Birth is the birth of not only our Peace, but our restful waiting for our day of Salvation from this life of sin.

Invite Jesus the One and only Unique Son of God to be your Savior and Lord today and join me in Salvation to the Kingdom of God.

Merry Christmas

Bill Collier

Monday, July 5, 2010

Teenagers moving on to new social technology

Like good surfers ride the power zone of the wave, so the teens are riding the power zone of the tech wave.  New reports are showing that teens are staying up to date with new tech for a lot of reasons.  Green grass, or maybe just the quest for the next popular virtual hangout.  Others are moving on because for example, facebook, their parents have infiltrated and they find it difficult to express themselves freely.  I’m sure there are several other reasons out there, but you get the idea.

Part of this movement taking place is the new wave of smart phones such as Android and many others.  Where in the past we have seen the changes on an annual basis, now it seems like six months or even with each new data phone that is introduced.  These phones are no longer majorly known as phones really, the ability to call is just one feature available.   I imagine if you were to do a survey, asking to list the features in order of importance; you would find the phone feature isn’t #1, its maybe #3 or even 4.

With the “APP” invasion we are seeing an unbelievable slue of apps that do things like track satellites, to all of your calendars synchronized, even as many people you want too.  I use this for my family, it keeps us all on the same page.  I’ve even downloaded an app that turned my phone into a tricorder, yep right out of Star Trek, and it works too, not quite like the TV show.

Personally I’m finding myself leaving my mini or my netbook at home more often.  In evaluating where I am going and doing, I find it not necessary.  If I want to blog, my droid does it, if I want to tweet, check email or send some, my phone takes care of business.  In fact anything I want to do my droid is on the job.  I have friends with data phones asking me “do they have a keyboard to plug into phones yet?”.  Actually palm had that years ago, it will be interesting if someone figures this out or palm reinstitutes theirs. 

The change is coming, the new social network is definitely your smart phone, and with new technologies like Location, and now HD, and that whole photo and video thing, now everyone is a blogger, news commentators, food and movie critics, and anything else you can imagine. 

In the past I have been in this place before, where I felt like I can’t imagine what else we could use or even need.  But as history has proven, there is more out there that I will love to check out and I’m sure enjoy as it makes my life easier, well, who knows about that.  Can you imaging having a data companion that even monitors your health?  Wouldn’t that be a good way to prevent any kind of illness.

It looks to me that the next social network will be more like social clicks.  We see this happening with Twitter and others including location technology and video.  With the data phone you don’t need a website, just a group communicating with pictures, videos, sharing, and location.

By the way; I only mentioned Android because out of all the smart phones I've used and researched its the only one worth mentioning.  Looking to the future I believe it is the only operating system poised to keep advancing to meet the needs of public and corporate society, able to retain flexibility to adjust in an ever changing society’s needs with apps at an affordable price and even free to boot.

Bill Collier


Monday, May 31, 2010

God Bless our Soldiers and their Families

God Bless our veterans and current soldiers, and their families.  For their huge sacrifice in preserving our and my peace.  We owe them a much greater reward than they receive, and one day a year is not enough to honor them.  I mean our soldiers and also their families, which a lot will never see their sons again, the ultimate Christ like sacrifice.  God Bless YOU!

It would be an awesome honor to them, as done in another country I know of.  If we the entire country; would institute the same act, by standing in silent unity for one minute to say Thank YOU to our fellow Americans who truly know what it means to be an American Patriot.

Bill Collier

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Marital Decisions

A mans decisions at best, are hit and miss, without his woman's input.  Men think on impulse, women think on emotional intuition, which takes more time.

Love Your Man

When you honor your man he feels like a king, when you support your man he will do anything for you, when you encourage your man he will die for you, when you love your man for who he is, you become one with him, and he realizes you and reciprocates, if he’s a man.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Church Watch Dogs

I now believe lighthouse Trails is doing more damage than good to the body of Christ, so I don't encourage them any more.  I'm sorry for any influence I might have had for my encouragement to trust these people. 
For me they have crossed the line too many times into sensationalism for their own reward in the propagation of their own ends in books and notoriety.  There is a fine line in doing good for the body of Christ and self aggrandizement. 
I assure you I in no way believe in contemplative spirituality, or if you call it the emergent church movement.  For me they are just another attempt of the world to stake a claim in the church, just another attack of the evil one to stumble God's children. 
Unfortunately also for those who become so fearful of this fad that they find themselves not trusting any church they go to, and end up not going at all.  We are told to come together with our brothers and sisters in love, which is how the world knows that we are of Christ.

We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. 1 John 4:19-21 NIV
God Bless YOU
Bubba Bill Collier

Friday, March 19, 2010

God and politics, do they mix?

As a Christian, how am I supposed to act in our current political climate? Is it my place to speak out on current issues that effect my future? These questions might seem novel to some, but I believe a lot of Christians are unsure of how they should act.

I believe that first we need to consider how we feel and seek God's direction on how to proceed.  The Bible has a lot to communicate on politics and will keep us in God's will, in proceeding with and expressing our views and desires.

I don't think there is anyone who isn't effected by the potential decisions being made in Washington these days. For myself, looking toward retirement, I've been preparing for years. I am very concerned, because my quality of life is directly effected, not only health wise, but financially as well.

Like most or all of you I'm very dissatisfied with our government, not only now, but for some time now. I believe we have been mistreated for the benefit of the few, and the idea of democracy has been lost to special interests.

As a Christian, to stay passive is easy, to just go on thinking God will take care of our future is not what the Bible teaches. When those Who lead us begin to endanger us, that should tell us its time to stand up and speak out. It is time to work to get back to being a nation that can say "in God we trust", and "one nation under God".

When our freedom's in worshiping God, and living the Christian lifestyle become threatened to the point that we are told we can't congregate to study the Bible, its time to choose whom you will serve, God or government.

These times are difficult, and they presently don't appear to be getting any better, nor are they in my opinion. I believe God is moving us Christians to action, and if the Christians don't begin to be active in the goings on of our country, we will be either scattered, or enslaved. Christian's have been there before, the question is, is that what you want for you and your family's future? I guess there is one more question to ask, are you praying? In praying, God will direct us in what we should do, and also keep us close to God so we know what He wants for us, as well as for us to know He is with us all in our future endeavors both individually and corporately.

The cost of wrong decisions are so high these days, that it requires us Christians to stand up and defend this country our forefathers shed blood to preserve. We Christians are the key to saving this land we love. Preserving our way of life, I'm sure you agree, is worth protecting. So please seek the Lord and His will and take action, standing with Christians who are answering this call to action and taking a stand against the current forces that are taking away our rights and freedoms as Christians.

Bill Collier


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just who are these Tea Party People?

Tea party people are in a dangerous place right now.  A place of being compartmentalized into what professional politicians or even what the media thinks would fit into their agenda, or world.

These factions of our society have a need for this so they can understand and define the Tea People. You might even say to control us, surly to judge us.

I believe they are frustrated because there are no defined leaders, in their world this is a necessity. There is no one to criticize or blame for what they see is wrong with the movement. Not to mention they would love to be either the voice or even the leader themselves.

There will surely be a few new leaders rise from the Tea People masses.  I hope that these individuals won’t be swallowed up into the political machine that has failed in their leadership of this country.

I also believe that if roles were reversed and we had Republicans doing what this administration has done. The Democratic American People would be voicing their dissatisfaction just the same.

In fact who’s to say that there isn’t already a proportionate amount of Democrats involved in the Tea People movement. After all they are being effected just the same as the Republican People.

Finally to define the Tea People myself.  I would say this is a wave or surge of the American People who feel let down by those politicians who according to our constitution, and our form of Government derived, have failed in their responsibility, by which they were elected. 

We the People if failing in the required duties of our jobs, are fired with no question.  So why would it be any different for our representatives in government?

Bill Collier

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Past and Future of Communication Technology

I, and I’m sure a lot of others have been able to see that communication technology would end up in our TV's.  However I must admit I didn’t consider the mobile aspect, but I am very thankful.  So I have made room for the mobile phone, or what I enjoy, the data phone in my world. 

As far as the TV, it is basically here.  Due to what I see there is quite a bit of resistance.  I don’t really think it comes from the consumer, but the marketer.  If they were to go straight to the TV, as far as being the hub of communication and research, I think all of those products wouldn’t have been created.  Yes the evolutional ones that have fallen by the wayside.  Of course marketer’s will continue to produce all of these distracting products, which is what they do, and I do believe it helps innovation. 

The Data Phone is the current wave of the future.  Still being in its formational stage of convergence, I don’t believe its definition or complete purpose has yet been realized.  I do believe though it will be a mobile reflection of the Telecommunication station we still refer to as the TV presently.  (Maybe we will call it the TVC in the future) 

I believe the data phone will take on new dimensions like looking inward, like a body monitor, able to detect the common cold, or other ailments that would improve our quality of life.  Possibly warn us of danger or tell those when they are approaching intoxication, and the list goes on.

Yes this stuff is very cool, and it is exciting to see what we will come up with.  The sky is literally the limit and our imagination is the vehicle with which we will arrive.

Bill Collier

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dysfunctional Thinking

Here we are in 2010, and our country is in the depths of what is described as a recession, but to those who are suffering for lack of work might think a bit different.  Possibly even, using the curse-ed "D" word,  yes depression might fit their mood a bit better.  I hear from the info tube on one hand, unemployment is going down, yet the numbers say we are still shrinking in jobs. 

As long as the jobs shrink how can the unemployment count go down?  Even when the numbers for created jobs are claimed to be increasing I have trouble believing the truth in that, when my money is paying their salaries.  When business is standing still or more obvious shrinking just like unemployment, how can these so called jobs continue for an extended amount of time? 

That sounds like someone who got drunk the night before, and woke up hung-over.  They drink a few beers or whatever and the hangover is gone, but in reality they are just putting off the hangover until they have nothing left to drink.  Yes I am describing an alcoholic, of course then you see the mentality of this thinking to create new jobs, it is dysfunctional thinking. 

When I hear my President tell me he understands my budget and because of hard times, my need to cut back and save more money for a future emergency, referring to the probability of unemployment.  I see a very seriously dysfunctional mind.  I must wonder if the man is an alien, no not from another country, but planet.   

No one can survive in this way of thinking.  Well there are those alcoholics who because of their addiction will spend every last cent they get on their addiction.  Wow!  I have discovered where our President is coming from.  He's not a narcissist, but either an addict or maybe the progeny of one, at least in his thinking. 

I'm sorry but this is the future of our way of life and the freedoms we are use to, and enjoying.  The only conclusion I can come to is that this President must be corrected and monitored closely or we the People must impeach him.  And that to me is very sad, so I will continue to pray for him and plead that His mind is transformed just as the bible says:

Rom 12:2  Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Bill Collier

Thursday, January 21, 2010


The fruit of this life is one's character formed from the mountains peaks of pride to the valleys furrows of humility where honesty resides.  R. William Collier

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

American Beauty

One beautiful characteristic of the American People is their determination for Justice and Freedom upon realizing they might be wrong.  Yes Americans do have a conscience, unlike some in the world might think.  As for our current government, we need some serious improvement.

Bill Collier