Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Uneasy triumvirate behind Gaza strikes - Washington Post-

So what if Israel uses this defense politically.  What ever their motivations are, one thing is clear, they are defending themselves.  I am of the opinion that they should do what ever it takes to secure their boarders permanently.  I believe that this action would ultimately bring peace to the region as a whole.  The issue is these terrorist must be stopped. 

This feuding isn't for land, it is because as long as the Jewish people exist, a lot of these Palestinians are the children of Ishmael son of Hagar and Abraham.  He is a son of another mother and not the descendant that God choose.  It was Isaac who was born of Sarah and Abraham.  Isaac is the one that God chose to be the descendant's of the Messiah.  If you read the Bible you will see God offered a covenant for Ishmael and his descendants too.  The question is, did they honor the covenant then or today?  To read for yourselves its in chapters 16-19 of the Book of Genesis

Bill Collier

Uneasy triumvirate behind Gaza strikes - Washington Post-

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Israel mulls halting Gaza strikes, official says - Israel-Palestinians-

With all of the rhetoric out there, the one and only fact remains.  Lets say that the country you live close to is controlled by the Hamas.  You found yourself very close if not in the line of fire where these rockets were landing and exploding.  Would you continue to cheer for those poor little people who continue to launch the rockets?  Or would you be crying out to your government to do something about it? 

In the land of Israel every person pretty much has immediate family or close friends who have been killed or wounded by rockets, suicide bombers, or snipers.  Along there highway they have had to build these high concrete walls just to keep the snipers from shooting at people driving in their cars.  How would you like to live in this state of existence? 

The title of this article to me, seems weird.  I have difficulty believing that Israel would mull anything over when it comes to the safety of their country.  I hope they continue to bombard the Hamas until they are confident that the rockets cease completely.  If they start up again?  Well, start up the warplanes and put a stop to it.  The punishment must fit the crime for the criminal to realize their cost.

I say the long suffering and patients of Israel should be commended and the world should universally condemn the Hamas for being the evil that they are.  Come on, the desire for peace and the willingness to negotiate for that peace is the sign of innocence and honesty.  To continue to launch rockets while your leaders are negotiating?  Innocence, or honesty?  No, just plain old evil!

Bill Collier

Israel mulls halting Gaza strikes, official says - Israel-Palestinians-

Monday, December 29, 2008

Life’s Parasites, Pleasures, and Possibilities

We go through life living these peculiar lives, absorbing things around us, enduring the unknown.  Everything effecting us, influencing our actions, directing our paths.  It seems at times that it is quite insane, even the feeling of how can I go on with things like this.  Only to give way in the next moment to a feeling of bliss as something good happens.  It’s crazy at times, yea real crazy, but we go on, enduring and enjoying, being entertained if we can step back in our heads and take a look at the bigger picture.

I think the biggest problem we have is that we are so into ourselves, caught up in what we are going through, saying to others “you just don’t understand me”.  We live blind to the basic truth that is all around us, “Life”.  So we come back to that basic question that each one of us have to ask, and I believe do quite regularly.  What’s it all about?  Why am I here?  What for?  Even in this dilemma, we have the feeling that makes us say “Time please stop, so I can rest”

I don’t believe there is any human being that has the right or complete answer.  I believe it is something that is necessary for us to look away from ourselves, if we want to in any way understand this dilemma called Life.  There are those that do this in a partial sort of way.  Maybe give the appearance of doing this only to be discovered down the road of life to be stuck on themselves.  Maybe that is the best we can do to accomplish this task, maybe the point is to keep striving to accomplish this quest of perfection or completeness.

I have no clue what made me write this other than Inspiration.  A sort of boiling within me wanting to get out.  You see I believe I have found this Truth of Life, and I found myself so dissatisfied with what I had accomplished in my life that I had to look away, knowing there was nothing left in me that could answer my questions.  Being a realist and maybe I don’t know exactly what that means, but for me what ever I found outside of me had to be real.  I’m not a follower, nor am I one who can lye to myself, well not for long.  So it must be real, period.

To my surprise the Answer of Life was right next to me all the time.  He was there speaking to me in a soft voice that dripped like honey with His Love for me, the most perfect love that required me to learn about it, just to understand.  It didn’t happen all at once for me to understand, it took time, and I had to learn His Love.  Yes it took Life to do that, I had to begin living with Him involved in my life, I had to listen, and apply, and obey His direction for my life.  As I did, there was a sensation of awakening, a feeling like I had just got my sight, I could see for the first time.  My perspective on life had changed and I was no longer thinking like me, but I found myself thinking like Him.  Everything was new, everything was beginning to make sense. 

Thinking like me just caused me to live a life of wanting, and always what I didn’t have.  Contentment and satisfaction were impossibilities, and only my futile attempt at attaining this level of security which was just show for others.  Until I became honest with myself and confessed that I needed God to keep living.  Now I know that there is no life away from God, because HE IS LIFE!  His Love for us He expressed in His Son Jesus the Christ, not in words but in action, in Life. 

He came to our planet and lived like us, even looking like us, enduring life just as we do in all of the issues we face.  Not only did He survive, but endured the worst punishment that man can dish out, even the rejection of His own Father God.  Jesus could have just entered Heaven, because He lived the Perfect Life, but He choose to take my punishment which is death, because of my rebellion against God. 

So I understand and appreciate this life I now live.  To my surprise the life I lived wasn’t even life at all, I was just groping in the dark trying to find meaning.  Well Jesus didn’t let me stay there in that state of uncertainty, He lifted me up to a life with Him.  A life that is based on contentment and satisfaction in Jesus and living in His presence for the rest of my life in peace with God my Father.  No more rebellion insisting on my own way, but now God’s way because it is the right way.  And you know what?  I can’t help but tell you this, you know when you have a good thing you want everyone to have it?  Well Jesus is the “Good Thing”, and I can’t understand now, why anyone would want to live another minute without Him in your life.  So if you don’t know Jesus, or you have wandered away from Him.  Call His Name ask Him to forgive you and come into your life, and He will, I know it, because He is real.

Bill Collier

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Israeli air strikes on Gaza kill 192 - Israel-Palestinians-

How long will the World turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to what the Muslim world is doing?  Israel is what, some 180 miles long and 18 miles wide?  That's the size of a lot of counties in the US.  Look at a map and see how much land Israel has and how much the Muslim world has. 

The World leaders need to get off their butts, quit sitting on their thumbs and let Israel have their little piece of soil, that's all they want, to live in peace.

Has Israel ever taken the offensive, looking to increase their territory?  Its always defense to hang on to the little they have.  Thank God that we Americans are there to help them.

God Bless Israel!

Israeli air strikes on Gaza kill 192 - Israel-Palestinians-

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Obama chooses Lincoln's Bible for inauguration - Inauguration-

My concern is that with this wonderful display of honoring Abraham Lincoln and using the same Bible he was sworn in with, and the huge emphasis of our first black President.  Is that we continue to stay the course.  In all that Abraham Lincoln stands for, so Barak Obama will stand for these same principles for our country, looking to our future. 

That truly a new era is beginning in the tradition of our American heritage and original intention of our Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.  That more than ever we are still a nation under God who still holds on to the belief and admonition that All Men Are Created Equal.

Bill Collier

Obama chooses Lincoln's Bible for inauguration - Inauguration-

Monday, December 22, 2008

An open letter to Rick Warren

Boy I couldn’t have said it any straighter or with any more emphasis than Joseph Farah did in this article.  So what I am doing here is to simply direct you to this open letter to Rick Warren. 

I live close enough to go to his church and I have even been invited from time to time to go there.  Fortunately I haven’t felt a need to go, and more than ever I am glad about that now. 

So I end this article with this passage from the Bible in hope that God will get through to Rick Warren.  Whom I find it very difficult, actually I’m not able to refer to him as a Pastor.

Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? So whoever wants to be the world's friend becomes God's enemy.  James 4:4  Christian Standard Bible 

Bill Collier


An open letter to Rick Warren

Friday, December 19, 2008

'Angel' of foreclosure defense bedevils lenders - Mortgage Mess-

If you have ever felt the helplessness of being in foreclosure, and to see the bright light of salvation in this dark time.  Allowing you to keep your home fairly, and in doing so, keep your family from disaster.  That's a good thing! 

The only ones this will cost is those corrupt lenders who have abused the American public for too long.  These vultures will now be held responsible, just as in the past. when they made us homeowners responsible, even when it was unjust, even criminal to do so.  This is a good thing too!


'Angel' of foreclosure defense bedevils lenders - Mortgage Mess- 


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kennedy’s Credentials Debated in Senate Bid -

Caroline’s Credentials?  Who needs credentials?  Nobody else needs credentials these days why should she.  Barak Obama and his organization doesn't even have to prove with valid documentation that he is a natural born citizen, so why does Caroline need any credentials or even experience? 

Give her the job, I'm sure she will do a great job.  After all she is a Kennedy, and that should be enough as far as credentials and experience goes, right?

There are too many of these kind of stories in our country these days.  Maybe that explains why so many of our political leaders are corrupt to the point that they blatantly practice their crimes without apology or embarrassment, even when they are found out.  Like I have heard “its not wrong unless you get caught”, and even now, its “don’t stop until they stop you, even if you do get caught”.  Is this the pattern we are setting for our future?

Should Caroline Kennedy get the job just because she asks?  No way!  She shouldn’t get this seat on the Senate anymore than I should, and I’m older and more experienced in life than she is.  I’ve been a hard working man all of my life!  And yes I am a natural born citizen, and I can prove it with a valid birth certificate!

If Caroline wants to hold an office, she should run for that office just like everyone else, and stop running around with a silver spoon hanging from her mouth. 

As American citizens we need to start electing our leaders on merit, reputation, and ability, rather than popularity and charisma.  The crisis we face today is simply the fruit of our choices made yesterday.  What does that say?  If things are as bad as they are today, can we withstand our decisions when they ripen tomorrow?


Kennedy’s Credentials Debated in Senate Bid -

Bloggingheads: Ban Marriage? - The New York Times - Video Library

What is wrong with these people!  Have they been living under a rock?  Has the gay community become so absorbed in their quest for acceptance that they have become blind to reality?

Why would any very small minority group think they can control or change the majority’s way of life since the beginning of time? 

I must confess I am flabbergasted to see how far the walnut is falling from the tree these days.  Its like they have a Hitler mentality for taking over the world.  The question is why, would they want publically, this acceptance?

Well I guess when you have the problem of trying to recruit more gay’s, they feel it is necessary to establish its acceptance in society.  To go so far as to convince the young influenceable populace that whether they like it or not, “all people have homosexual tendencies”.  Once you do that you can have a field day.  Even if they don’t think they are gay they would say “oh well I just got carried away this time” and the committed gay would have satisfied their lust.

Isn’t that what it is all about?  Do you think there would be that many gay’s if it wasn’t about the lust for sex?  OH I just love this person and enjoy having this wonderful relationship with them.

You see in a real Marriage.  Yes one that consists of a man and a woman.  The love that they share produces a Marriage that procreates or produces the product of their love, “children”.  Sure plain sex will do the same, but again I’m referring to Marriage.  On the other hand what does a “gay relationship” produce?

If your physical body was able to support a gay union maybe you would have a valid argument, but that's not even possible.  The proof is there, all you have to do is open your eyes, and see the damage done to men for example. 

How many people who go gay stay gay?  Oh blame it on society and the so called pressures to be strait.  If you were born that way wouldn’t you stay that way?

Maybe what the homosexual refuses to face is that homosexuality to the majority is down right disgusting, and doesn’t have anything to do with all of the argument about so called homophobia, but its just repulsive.

And for those who are in a position of influence such as the person who wrote the article about what the “Bible says”, well lets read just one portion from the Bible and see for ourselves what it says:

For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became nonsense, and their senseless minds were darkened.
Claiming to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man, birds, four-footed animals, and reptiles.
Therefore God delivered them over in the cravings of their hearts to sexual impurity, so that their bodies were degraded among themselves.
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served something created instead of the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
This is why God delivered them over to degrading passions. For even their females exchanged natural sexual intercourse for what is unnatural.
The males in the same way also left natural sexual intercourse with females and were inflamed in their lust for one another. Males committed shameless acts with males and received in their own persons the appropriate penalty for their perversion.
And because they did not think it worthwhile to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally  wrong.    Romans 1:21-28 (Christian Standard Bible)

Bloggingheads: Ban Marriage? - The New York Times - Video Library

Sunday, November 30, 2008

“The only time you can tell a Democrat from a Republican is at election time”.

Yes the lines between Democrat and Republican are beginning to blur as we see the political machine begin to churn out the New and Improved Barack Obama

I believe that is exactly what we are seeing in the transformation of President Elect Obama.  The American Political machine is running at full tilt to produce, yet one more great President.

As we are beginning to see the compromises and out right, about face movements of our President Elect, what I have always believed is coming true once again. 

What other President kept all of his promises?  Or should we demand that Mr.. Obama keeps his word?

On one hand, we should expect this basically because the direction the U. S. is heading takes time to alter.  Maybe that will be all that Mr.. Obama will have time for, or be allowed.  We definitely see these days that for change to come it seems to take more that four years. 

On the other hand, I hope that I am wrong in the time frame for change, but with so many players and so many agendas to satisfy, it truly will take a great President to accomplish what he promises.  Can President Elect Obama accomplish what he says?

But let your word 'yes' be 'yes,' and your 'no' be 'no.' Anything more than this is from the evil one.  Matthew 5:37  (Christian Standard Bible)

Bill Collier



Sunday, November 16, 2008

A beacon that provides for the needs of the people.

With the information age one of the byproducts rising to dominance is also the propaganda age. Not like in the cold war between countries, but between governments and individuals, between political movements and groups and agenda’s. 

We are no longer allowed the luxury of assumed truth.  Truth is a luxury like gold, that must be dug up from an earth of slander and misdirection.  From the claim found in the mountainous territory of liquid information.

But one of the benefits of this information age is the ability to seek out the truth. Not just simple relative truth, but absolute truth.  Not on a corporate level but on an individual level of effort.  Which is becoming the right and responsibility hopefully, of the individual.  Truth is still available to the individual if one will search and dig for it with diligence. 

Gone are the days of blind faith and trust. With so many players on the field, accountability is a luxury that accompanied honor, which has been replaced by deception and foolishness.

Honor and accountability? Is a fleeting character of truth looking for the shinning light.  My hope is that Honor and accountability will become that unusual beacon of the light of Truth that everyone is drawn to in times of despair and uncertainty. A beacon that provides for the needs of the people.  That light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it.  Gospel of John 1:5 (CSB)

Bill Collier

Stocks’ wild ride should continue this week - Stocks & economy-

I don’t know why anyone would have a problem with finances.  What is the difference between thousands of dollars in a household budget and billions in a countries budget? 

Anyone in their own financial crisis knows the first thing you do is quit spending!  The second thing is eliminate unnecessary expenses.  The third thing to do would be, because of the uncertainty of the times, after the first two things are accomplished to the best of your ability, is to attempt to save if possible. 

Not knowing what is coming next in the near future, you should try to prepare for the unexpected as best as possible.  Our financial crisis is here and that’s a fact, now sooner or later we are just going to have to weather through it. 

I can’t help but think, at least in my world, I could see this coming.  I knew that the only thing driving the economy was real estate and technology.  I also have a hard time believing  that there weren’t others that didn’t see this coming.  If I, who am just your average Bill, ( The name Joe is already taken) could see it, surely there were others.

Could the lust for more, and the race to keep up with the Jones's be the reason for our dilemma today?  Proverbs 11:28 in the Bible says:  Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf. 

To be righteous is to be in right standing with God.  When you are there, it means simply that you are doing the right things.  That’s not chasing money and surly not desiring what your neighbor has, but being content with what you have and thankfully receiving it.

Bill Collier

Stocks’ wild ride should continue this week - Stocks & economy-

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What's the down side of expectations for Obama?

Poll finds great expectations for Obama -

What we are seeing today, I'm sure 100% of the American people would agree that change definitely needs to come to the economy.  As President, Barak Obama would be a success if he could accomplish this alone.  Maybe throw in succeeding in the pull out of American Soldiers from Iraq.  I think the American People would be ecstatic and happy to keep him in office for the full eight years.

My concern is, if these problems are bigger than the solutions available, or options at his disposal.  If this financial crash goes to new depths or takes quite a long time to remedy.  Will the American People grow indifferent, or possibly begin to feel let down by our new President? 

The one thing that is unusual about our situation right now, is the hope the American people have for the future of America with Barak Obamb as President.  But what if this hope dies with frustration?  How long can the American people keep their chins up while our financial system crumbles around us?  The American People need jobs to work, income to bring home to their families.  When that is difficult or because of what is available is substandard, how long can they hold out?  Is the Government going to offer free rent, and maybe free food? 

Again, my concern is for our country and its People and I fear that the excitement we all feel today for our new leadership might very well be our frustration at this same leadership for there inability to remedy these problems tomorrow.

Bill Collier

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time always tells the Truth!

This is a email I wrote to some young friends of mine.  Leaving their names out of course I thought I would share it with you my readers.

There is one big benefit in living a lot of years and that wisdom is allowing time to tell the truth.  Propaganda has played a very huge part in this election and also in our society in years past. 

What you need is something that you know is trustworthy and where honesty exists.  Time will show you that, in your family, and in Jesus. 

I in my life have found that true wealth is found only in family and the more you have the richer you are.  In Jesus and His word, standing the test of time, has proven to me to be the only message of love that has lasted through time. 

The Bibles you posses are documents far older than all of this propaganda that is touted today.  Your Bible is ancient, up to 6,000 years and possibly older, and God's word has in fact stood the test of every attack conceivable through time and yet you posses multiple copies here today. 

That is the truth, this stuff you hear today is well, if you are a Christian, of the world and controlled by the evil one, who is the god of this world.  If we are Christians then, the Kingdom of God has come near and we have entered in by passing through the door, which is Jesus.  We Christians are not of this world, we are just passing through, on our way to God's kingdom in which we belong. 

I personally have learned that just like propaganda from years gone by, so this stuff will to.  If it is the "truth" it will stand the test of time.  My advise to you is keep watching and pay attention to this stuff.  When you start to notice errors or inconsistencies in this logic, or something just doesn’t feel right,know that is the Holy Spirit showing you what is real.

For me, I have chased my lust for money and even fame, I have exhausted every avenue of lustful desire that was derived from my pride, and I was left wanting.  I have realized that even to possess the entire worlds riches would still leave me wanting.

My only satisfaction is Jesus, and the most valuable possession I have is my Salvation.  With my family I am content, with Jesus, I am at peace.  With this I now can see clearly what my future is and where I am going, and where I want to go.  Yes no pride, no lust, just the Peace of God that transcends all understanding.

With Love in Jesus

Bill Collier

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quote: "Everything is changing. People are taking the comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke." — Will Rogers


Boy this is just the statement for this election. Will Rogers couldn't have said it better for today. Of course this election is just a bit different, with what's at stake. Or might it have been the same? Only then the threat was from outside the US.

A lot of people are very concerned about this election, because the threat isn't from without, but from within. For the first time many Americans are concerned about the Socialistic overtones that are being presented in this election. Ideas that would have never sat well eight, or sixteen years ago with the American public.

History tends to show this kind of pattern in aging societies as population increases and that percentage of society becomes dependant on the government for its needs.

It reminds me of a film I watched when I was young. I remember it was in black and white. It was a social experiment in which, in a controlled environment, mice were placed and allowed to procreate. As the population grew things began to change. Clans were formed, wars were fought, and the survivors continued to grow in number. Till finally they reached that point in which they became lazy, and depended on the part of society that was still foraging for food and protecting them. As time went on they all became weak and didn't seem to have any reason to live. Left fat and just basically laying around.

This study about mice had a huge impact on me because it became the measuring stick for my judgment of our society in a way. The reason is because I have been amazed at the correlation between these mice and our society.

Could this be our fate? Are we taking the first steps towards what we have just witnessed in Russia, and East Germany? Maybe we will do something more like China is doing with what I would call "Capitalistic Communism."

What ever is to happen in our country today is definatly going to effect us, but my real concern is for my children. What are we leaving them with the decisions we make this day of the election. Someone much smarter than I said, "What we condone today, the next generation will embrace tomorrow". The Biblical phrase would be "What you sow, you will reap".

Bill Collier


Monday, October 6, 2008

Homeowners defaulting their loans to capitalize on the bailout

Today a person I was talking with told me that he was letting his mortgage go into default on purpose so he can take advantage of the bail out that is coming for those in trouble with their mortgage loans.  He said he was still saving his mortgage payments with a family member so in case he had to, he could pay his payments before he lost his home. 

He did say he has a very high house payment, that is what he committed to when he thought his equity was going to go up even higher.  His plan of course was to refinance his home with higher equity and also easy qualifying requirements to get a lower interest rate and a lower payment. 

He finally told me that a family member had told him about this person that would advise him through the process and his charge would be only  $4,000.00.  I tried to explain to him that they hadn’t even finished designing the bail out plan.  We don’t even know who will qualify, or what the criteria for getting help will be.   He didn’t care, he simply was convinced that he will get a smaller loan and a cheaper house payment.

I spent today questioning myself, did I miss something?  Had I totally been somewhere else, like a different planet and didn’t get the email or a flyer in the snail mail offering this fabulous deal?  However, I am concerned how many real estate agents might be counseling their clients to do just this sort of thing.  Maybe some are the ones who have moved into a different line of business called “loan restructuring specialist” or something.

Boy!  I need to start doing this to, just on a part time basis maybe.  Not!  I don’t want to go to jail, its fraud plain and simple.  You would think when someone in a suit tells you to risk your home, not to mention your credit, and puts the proverbial carrot called greed in your face.  Then tells you to fork over $4,000.00 and he will make it happen?  Well this person had to come up with $2,000.00 now and the remainder upon completion.  On top of this he didn’t get any guarantees, how could he?  He doesn’t know what the final loan or interest rate will be, nothing.

Unfortunately we all new this sort of thing would happen one way or another.  The con artists always show up when there is a way to con people.  I am just surprised that the same greed that got a lot of people in California into this problem, is the same motivation  that is causing them even more harm.

Well as we all wait to see the full effect of this financial nightmare as it unfolds, I believe we need to stay calm and take care of what we can and hold on to see what this bail out really means.  I don’t believe anyone will benefit from it or be able to capitalize on it to their advantage.  I hope it will save those people out there who really want to keep their homes so that their families will have a place to live.  I think also that we need to ask God for help and direction and wisdom to do the right thing.

Bill Collier

Friday, October 3, 2008

What’s become of the News Agencies today?

I have been bombarded by our so called news agencies long enough to witness the new phenomenon of what once was neutral reporting.  To what is obviously now only sided news reporting.  You might be asking where have you been?  And you are right.  I in the past had the attitude of who cares, its all biased anyway.  I must confess, this time I have gotten interested, because of what I have been hearing.  I would have left talking about these topics such as the election to those who liked this sort of stuff.  However this time I can’t help feeling a since of concern for the personal agenda being purported by these agencies

My question is what has happened to our country?  Why did the news agencies become so biased, favoring candidates.  All of the discussions about Sara Palin’s ability to serve as Vice President and how they are capping on how comical it is to even consider her.  Who is qualified according to this standard that is being set?  How would Obama fair, or anyone else?  This is not even the American way of doing things nor is it a characteristic of American freedom.

If you don’t want her as VP, don’t vote.  Why would you try to convince the people of The United States of America  towards your opinion.  Oh just reporting the news isn’t enough for you.  Well Who is in charge here?  Who made these so called news reporting agencies an authority on who should run and who is qualified?  Is this the kind of Nation we have become?  The American People are your bosses and I believe these news reporting agencies have lost touch with their audience.  They have forgotten there functioning place in society, or are trying to be something other than their historical character?

I believe we are on a new threshold looking towards news reporting in the future.  These agencies are quickly becoming obsolete and have served their purpose in their present state.  They have now become an influence that is counter productive in this new internet society in which we live.  Now that all of the so called news reporting agencies are owned and controlled by so few, means to me, that they can no longer be trusted with the truth.  Now if you go with the new age concept  that truth is relative, well you can keep being influenced by them.  But if you really want the truth, you might consider what the wonderful people of this country are saying.  That is the truth worth hearing, its called free speech, and its present form is called Blogging.

News people, you are now being held accountable.  In the past you have gotten away with just about everything, but today is a new era and you will be called to the mat for the agenda you promote.  For the first time in history the entire planet has the ability to communicate what it thinks as individuals and the truth is the cream that rises to the surface.  Be afraid be very afraid, the people of the world have a voice.  This new power is not going away, you will be assimilated, or discarded as out of touch and obsolete.

Bill Collier

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Our Candidates and the Our Future

You know I don't understand why everyone seems to hate her so much.  Personally I think they are jealous and afraid of her.

I love her and I am voting for her!  I am praying and fasting for our country and I hope you do too.  Our country needs her!  Our country also needs ALOT of GRACE and MERCY.  God help us!

God Bless,


You know your right, its like our two candidates present a very clear picture of our future.  One of going in a direction of uncertainty and even danger, promising change, while the other gives a view of possibly life as usual.  My hope for our kids sake if Jesus tarries, is that McCain and Palin are influenced by the American Citizens desire and even want for change. Then we would have our cake and eat it to. 

I think the root of the problem in the finance community is when they changed the law that required banks to have one dollar to every ten they would loan out, now they just loan out what ever amount and nothing tied to their deposits.  Like loaning money with only zero, or air to back it up.  In turn now that so many people can't pay their bills the domino's fall and the banks defaulted loans pile up and their expenses  get so extreme they can no longer function, and they default on the clearing houses such as Fanny May and Freddie Mac, and so on.  Then they close and the investors they do have, are left suffering the real loss.  The final stage is when our Government can't bail them out, that’s called depression.  Maybe McCain and Palin are our Franklin D. Roosevelt for these times of change. 

The sad part about this Election that we have come to, is all we hear and read is the bending of the truth so it appears as a lie and the same with lies, calling them the truth.  I think the only truth I have heard is "look at my record of service".  That is fact, and I believe the only evidence I have to vote by.  Experience is what we need now, not some spoiled snot nosed brat leading America, followers fall away very quickly when they realize the one they are following doesn't have what it takes to travel in uncharted waters such as these.  America is weak and along with those countries that are tied to our financial markets can't afford too many more wrong decisions either. 

Its amazing how the wisdom of God's Word is prudent in our times,  "A wise man is known by the number of his councilors"  How many councilors do you think these running mates have, who do you think has more?  In my own experience in life, I must say, the older I get the more I realize I need advise, not because I'm not wise, but because I can't afford being wrong. 

I started writing you back and realized this is something I needed to blog on, so I will upload this to my blogs and if you want you can read it there too.

God Bless You

R. William Collier

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Course, You Could Just Shut the Company Down and Give the Money Back to the Shareholders | John Paczkowski | Digital Daily | AllThingsD

It would be nice just once to see a company that could make a profit, satisfy its stock holders and keep their interests completely in America.  I'm afraid that if this trend continues we will be the victims of our own greed.

I truly believe with these elections for President that yes, change is in the air but, also we are on the threshold of a new surge of pride in the "United" States of America. 

Those who have sold out to foreign interests as the oil industry has, will probably face a similar demise that looms in their near future as the world changes because of the emergence of the new foreign companies as they gain wealth and power in the world market. 
Put Pride back in America for our children's future.

R. William Collier

Course, You Could Just Shut the Company Down and Give the Money Back to the Shareholders | John Paczkowski | Digital Daily | AllThingsD

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Harvest, a place for people to meet God

Saturday Night at the Harvest was great!  I haven't seen it that packed out in several years.  What I am referring to is the Harvest with Greg Laurie, if you didn't know.  This is where we So. Cal. Christians take over the Angel Stadium and bring a whole bunch of people searching for meaning in their lives and introduce them to God. 

They have a great lineup of Christian Music Artists who perform their latest hits and share what God is doing in there lives and just celebrate Jesus, the Lamb of God, who came and took away all or our sins if we just believe in Him.   Then Pastor Greg shares a message from the Bible and invites those who desire to meet God to come down to the playing field and receive Jesus as their Savor and they are given a Bible and prayer for there needs and salvation.

So we just party and celebrate not only our own salvation, but all who come to meet our Savior Jesus the Christ.  Its a time when this huge number of Christians can come together and just celebrate the Love that God loves us with, with each other.  If you haven't been to Harvest before, or if you aren't a Christian and you don't know Jesus, and you would like to see thousands of people loving each other with care and respect.  Loving each other with that same Love that God Loves each one of us with well, I suggest you check this out.  You won't leave the same as when you came.

The impact that this experience has on the believer and nonbeliever is something that you won't forget very soon if ever.  It is just amazing to see so many human beings in one place with a common purpose and reason for being there.  There are elderly, babies, middle aged, teens, youth, college age, every race, color, size, shape, with tats, no tats, long hair, no hair, and every hair in between. a full representation of humanity.  All believing in God and His Son Jesus the Christ. 

You can go to and find the town nearest you in which Harvest will be coming to, and go and see for your self.  I promise you that if you go with honesty, sincerely intending to see this phenomenon for yourself, you will be impressed.  It is a good way to see the proof that God does really exist.  You can't argue with these huge numbers of people who are convinced by relationship with the Creator that God truly exists.

R. William Collier

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Three 9,000-Year-Old Skulls Found in Galilee - Inside Israel - Israel News - Arutz Sheva

moz-screenshot  There are so many variables in understanding this article, the only thing for sure is that they found three skulls.  What about the possibilities of all the information in this article being correct?  I mean after all we are talking 9000 years ago, some information here could be considered at least speculation or opinion, depending on your personal beliefs.

Take for example the time frame, I understand that some of the best scientific considerations have been made and that this finding is based on that.  For me, it even fits with the time frame that I can except, but, is it accurate and could it be fabricated to argue a position or belief?  Would a room full of archaeologists concur?  From a biblical time frame how dose this fit in, or dose it?

Then the whole thing about how the skulls were used in the household, is this spring boarding off another's assertions?  Could there be another explanation, or interpretation on how these skulls were used?  I'm sure there is other evidence that would indicate this possibility of use, but is this the only possibility.  I understand some of the considerations, for example what the Bible says about this area some 9000 years ago.    Yes I have lots of questions.

Now for me, and I need to say I am not that knowledgeable in archeology, not really even to state anything as fact on this subject but, as a reader I am entitled to form my own opinions on what I read and see.  I would think that these skulls might of been kept and the plaster substance applied to them to capture the individuals likeness as sort of a keepsake or maybe a 9000 year old photo kind of thing.  Again of the civilization that probably occupied this region at this time it is said they were quite wicked, even I have heard they worshiped murder.  Or maybe their enemies dug up their ancestors graves and used the skulls as a trophy or a form of harassment toward their enemies.   

I understand the rich and awesome history of the Jewish people in this region and their devotion to God.  I also understand that everyone worships someone or something whether they will admit it or not, but to worship the dead, or their ancestors or murder?  I would have to believe this surely predates Abraham's migration to this region.  Maybe If God treated these people like He did Nineveh, having the same chance to repent and they didn't.  Well God sure demonstrated His patients in dealing with a wicked people.

Did God Create other worlds on this planet before the current creation that exists?  Well to say that in my opinion is to deny Scripture or to say Moses is wrong.  I would refer you to the first chapter of Genesis in the Word of God, the Bible and beyond in continuing chapters as God has communicated quit thoroughly His intention with this present creation, or if you will, world:

Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Gen 1:2  The earth was unformed and void, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water.
Gen 1:3  Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.
Gen 1:4  God saw that the light was good, and God divided the light from the darkness.
Gen 1:5  God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. So there was evening, and there was morning, one day.
Gen 1:6  God said, "Let there be a dome in the middle of the water; let it divide the water from the water."
Gen 1:7  God made the dome and divided the water under the dome from the water above the dome; that is how it was,
Gen 1:8  and God called the dome Sky. So there was evening, and there was morning, a second day.
Gen 1:9  God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let dry land appear," and that is how it was.  (The Complete Jewish Bible translation)

R. William Collier

Three 9,000-Year-Old Skulls Found in Galilee - Inside Israel - Israel News - Arutz Sheva

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bible class rules set for Texas schools - Faith-

This world has sure changed! 

Once upon a time a person’s faith was respected, everyone knew that one’s religion was there own business, and the only thing you had to deal with was others attempting to convert you to their religion.

Now days you have all of these special interest groups and these so called watch dogs sticking their nose into private people’s business.  Yes a bunch of people who usually don’t have a religion to speak of for themselves. 

Separation of church and state wasn’t meant to keep religion out of state, it was meant to keep state out of religion, you know freedom! of religion, the way it use to be not too many years ago.

Then there is the naacp,  in my opinion originated to defend peoples rights.  Now this organization has swung to the other end of the pendulum stealing the individual person’s rights.  The way our constitution was written and understood was about personal respect, and that was how it was.  Sure you always have that element of ignorant knuckle heads who cross the line.  Isn’t that true everywhere?    

Now unfortunately all religions are being attacked, not by other religions, but by these very watch dogs who have butted in where they weren’t needed in the first place.  If we would have been left alone the worst problem facing all religions in the US would be each other trying to convert each other. 

Now today the buttinskies unfortunately aren’t just breaking down our personal rights, they are breaking down the very American fiber that has made the United States of America great, and a country that the world desires to live in, well, they use to. 

Without freedom of religion for all, and freedom of the individual to live peaceably, this country is doomed to continue in the decline from a wonderfully great nation that we were, to a country that will continue to fall apart to the point that we will sell out to the highest bidder like a prostitute, and be forgotten.  Left to be just another country with no reason to say:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Notice that word “ALL”

R. William Collier

Bible class rules set for Texas schools - Faith-

Friday, July 18, 2008

Big shareholder backs Yahoo board over Icahn - Yahoo! News

Well, I must say, Yahoo has done quite a good job under the circumstances, and Mr. Yang has left the sandbox. 

I actually believe that Yahoo is going to fair very well through this whole fiasco.  If this company and its board can survive what they have been through and the rats have already jumped ship, they can do just about anything.  This company has held up quite well, considering what they have had to deal with. 

Myself, I really enjoy Yahoo products, their free email service is the best.  Their Messenger is far superior and leads the pack by a mile.  I love my radio on my messenger!  They are in my opinion the most user friendly service out there, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a Yahoo account. 

As far as this king of the hill power struggle, of late I have found myself actually rooting for Yahoo.  Yea maybe they are the underdog, but I have always enjoyed rooting for underdogs.  It makes for a good ending with lots of goose bumps and tummy ticklers.

I believe this company  will breeze right through that August board meeting with out a hitch and the sharks will swim away looking for a new sent of blood to follow.  Then it will be back to business, and I can’t wait to watch Yahoo’s stock climb back to familiar waters and maybe even to new heights.  Maybe even uncharted waters that pretty much prove what the Board of Directors have said all along, “we are worth more.”

I must confess that I was wrong in my judgement of this whole affair.  At one point I even considered that there was something, some kind of connection with Microsoft, and eventually Yahoo would sell.  Now however, with Yahoo’s fate a little more secure, there is a feeling that balance has returned to the netaverse and life on the net will continue as before.  May the force we with you Yahoo!

R. William Collier   

Big shareholder backs Yahoo board over Icahn - Yahoo! News

Friday, June 27, 2008

Boy George denied U.S. visa, can't give NYC concert - MSN Music NewsMSN Video

Well isn't this a twist of events!

Now the US has denied a visa to Boy George.  You almost wonder is this someone's idea of payback for not letting Martha Stewart into Britain because of her conviction?  Well I don't know, but this saga is playing out into a display of how messed up our security is.  People who obviously don't pose any threat what so ever, but because of convictions or pending trials are being denied visas.  What about the real threat?  How is that going?

I wouldn't compare Boy George to Martha Stewart in any way other than complete opposite's.  And if this is the best export that Britain has well, then ok, I can understand that.  This whole incident reminds me of a quote in the Bible "choke on a gnat but swallow a camel." 

I understand that we need security, and that no one is above the law but, someone has to ask the human intellect.  Are these people a threat to National Security?  Boy George, whom I feel very weird in defending, in the US is innocent until proven guilty.  Obviously in Britain there is a double standard here.  As for Martha Stewart, she has satisfied the requirements for her crime, she did the time.

Ok, I'll ask it.  Who's the better woman here?

Will either of these people be a future risk?  Who knows that about anybody?  What is important is that it is quite obvious who is a threat and who isn't.  A terrorist is a terrorist, just as the lives of these people communicate who they are, so the life of a terrorist communicates who they are. 

Investigate, don't predicate!

R. William Collier


MSN Video <a href="

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Verizon edges closer toward open network | Crave, the gadget blog - CNET

Is "Open Network" too late?  Why pay for something I don't need?

This is good news, as far as the investment we make in our smart phones, its just that I wonder if its too late.  My observations in society lead me to see the trend or popular move heading in a different direction, leaving the Cell Networks playing the chase game.

Every where I go having a Palm Treo with wifi capabilities and my son who just received a tiny laptop for college, find ourselves not checking the bars on our phone but, is there wifi?

Then I keep seeing these new products and I know I'm not alone.  Like the Sony Mylo, and every so often another product pops up offering wifi calling.  Not to mention every laptop computer out there. 

The College where I work is completely hot with wifi, even in the parking lots and I imagine if not already this will be rule of thumb at all Colleges.  I go to the grocery store and they are offering free wifi, and of coarse the coffee houses are all offering wifi.  Even at my UPS store I can get wifi, not to mention the campgrounds have wifi also.

Its becoming a tool to attract customers to their businesses.  Like a generation ago when they would wash your windshields and give you green or blue stamps for making purchases there.  Could wifi be the new attraction that draws the costumer to a store?  I believe so, the useful applications seem endless for the consumer.

Wifi vs cellular, its no contest, I would surly use my wifi to make a call before I would use up my minuets on my cell phone.  Several smart phones out there offer wifi calling and I'm sure more will come, and as far as my Palm Treo, that's why I purchased it.  Why pay for something i don't need?

R. William Collier   

Verizon edges closer toward open network | Crave, the gadget blog - CNET

Friday, June 20, 2008

Martha Stewart banned from Britain - Media-

Well aint that something, here you have someone who quietly, I might add accepted their conviction and quietly went to prison.  Martha served her time, quietly and in doing so took responsibility for her actions. 

Here you have a country and a people with a huge closet with a multitude of skeletons, and they judge this woman for a conviction that is satisfied according to our law and I'm sure theirs. 

Martha Stewart even in view of Britain denying her visa still gracefully respects even that.  I must say even as a Christian I would still have some choice words for this country and their people for such a hideous offence to the woman who is demonstrating that she is more a lady than any woman in Britain, and I mean any woman!

Even as a Christian when one sins and then repents of any sin you can imagine, God forgives that person of that sin, and it is immediately forgiven and forgotten even by Jehovah God Himself.  And that, an example for all of us to follow, in fact we are required to.  If we don't, we sin in not doing so.

Britain, you should be ashamed of your self, I can understand this action for a terrorist, or a Jack the ripper, but Martha Stewart, come on, give me a break!  

Martha Stewart banned from Britain - Media-

Sunday, June 15, 2008

On Yahoo’s Shaky Future: Well Said | Kara Swisher | BoomTown | AllThingsD


I'll bet this name best suits Mr. Yang.  Unfortunately, its a fantasy fast fading from a dream. 

I agree with this article, in that the gold ring has passed you by, the train has left the station, the fuse has been lit.  Need I go on?

The sad part is that I really enjoy what Yahoo has been doing with their services, their integration, the design, and the ease of use.  What Yahoo has done is highly impressive, its too bad they aren't an ISP.  They have demonstrated vision toward the future in anticipating what the public wants and also what they need.

What up with Google?  Why don't you just strap a dying leper to your back and say I'll heal you!  Why does Google need Yahoo?  They didn't need them before why do they need them now?  Yes I understand that once upon a time far far away there was a partnership, but who outgrew who?  Of course remove Microsoft from the picture, and ask the question again, why does Google need Yahoo?  Has Google lost their vision?  Or maybe is it too grand, being so large that someone forgot the legs it will need to walk?  Yes I have questions!  As I sit here eating my chocolate chocolate chip cookies on Father's day.

I think Mr Yang needs to get out of the sand box and get into the board room, and oh, leave the ego, let the cats bury it.

R. William Collier

On Yahoo’s Shaky Future: Well Said | Kara Swisher | BoomTown | AllThingsD

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The real threat to Google - MSN Money

I just happened to spot this article.  I am amazed at how there are some people in key places that are seeing  communiformation trends of the future.  Did I just make a new word?  Well whatever, I find it amazing how human beings attempt to reinvent themselves in a new environment yet aren't able to change their same old characteristics.  It is truly a rare thing to see or experience something brand new that isn't something else just reinvented. 

I don't think that this is just a threat to Google, I believe this trend is a threat to Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, and the list just keeps growing.  What's interesting is for those who are spotting these trends and capitalizing on them are the Bill Gates, and the Google Boys of the future (That's a capital "B" in boys for respect). 

I see the communiformation trend going beyond the the tiny glass screens, basically because they are just too small.  Even browsing the web can be frustrating on those sites (at present that haven't conformed to the mobile web).  The consumer is always aging and there is a whole new crew coming up right behind them, so adaptation will be the name of the game for all of these tech companies.  God forbid a generation gap, boy that must be the nightmare that these tech giants hate to dream. 

The consumer in my opinion, will adjust to a screen probably some where's around 3x5 or maybe even as big as 4x8 inches.  Maybe the bigger for the aging with diminishing eye sight.  They will also want everything they experience on their home computer, also including wifi calling with their Bluetooth.  For me I prefer the 4x8 screen because I'm an old fart and have to squint more.  I know that there are a lot of other cool gadgets out there but in the mainstream of consumers it is of course convenience and price.  As far as price goes, if those online services that are free now attempt to charge the consumer directly, will be the dinosaurs of the future.   

R. William Collier    

The real threat to Google - MSN Money

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Microsoft exec on Yahoo: 'We've moved on' | Beyond Binary - A blog by Ina Fried - CNET

Some times when you have your head in the machinery you miss the world passing you by.

I have been following the saga of the "Microhoo" mini series and yes it has been quite entertaining, but I do believe that all of these big players are supposed to be involved in bringing services and products to the consumer.  Services and products with simplicity, comfortability and inexpensively. 

To me what is really going on is everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off, searching (no pun intended) for what the consumer wants and even where the trend is going. 

The migration of the population in technology is based on, of course popularity, and on the benefit to one's life.  The big boys like Microsoft, yahoo (lower case because they are melting right now), and Google I believe, are caught up in a distracting game of king of the egos and aren't even paying attention to what is really important, like the consumer, Hello!  We're over here!

If you want to know what I am noticing (and your probably not paying attention) is stuff like, just about every business out there is starting to offer WIFI like green or blue stamps, you know like forty years ago.  That means if you aren't ready for WIFI phones and very small laptops, and PDAs', and such, all emphasizing mobility and low or even no cost to the consumer, like the cellular companies, you will be left behind. 

If you aren't catering to the consumers need of instant gratification and the convenience WIFI will bring,  in your applications, you will be left behind.  I am of the belief that the consumer is even becoming increasingly more callus to the present form of search advertising and this is showing that a shift will be necessary in the near future.  Definitely video and automation are going to dominate in time as far as the "online" experience goes.

Not to mention our computers.  It really bugs you guys that more and more consumers do the hit and run?  What I mean is, on the net long enough to get what they need and they are gone.  With external hard drives and home servers, consumers are turning away from long periods of time looking at a monitor.  When you think about this, the number of online services the consumer will stay on for, shrinks drastically.  What's the answer?  Well the return of our Messiah, but aside from that happening is two fronts.  Of course mobility, and the other is simplicity, well, ok three, cost also.

And in closing, just one more little teaser, or maybe better put.  Why do we even need a browser?

R. William Collier

Microsoft exec on Yahoo: 'We've moved on' | Beyond Binary - A blog by Ina Fried - CNET

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Open campuses' vulnerability exposed - Crime & courts-

Its an insane world out there, and as we are all feeling, there is no possible solution.  The pain those kids must be feeling, the insecurity they must have at even considering going back to this school.  This is a big deal, a huge moment in their lives in which none of them has the answers.  What do you do, except to just go on?

Well there are two obvious solutions that no one even wants to touch, that would totally solve this problem.  The first is to confiscate all weapons in our society, and make it a felony to posses them.  The second is just as crazy, arm every one so that a person crazy or not, will think twice before the attempt of something like this.

I don't think that either of these solutions will be accomplished or even considered, but they are solutions just the same.  I bet a lot of people are thinking along these lines already, and probably seriously considering the second solution.  Who would prosecute an individual for possessing a concealed weapon illegally?  Especially when they were the one who stopped a tragedy such as this.  Again I want to remind you that I believe a lot of people are thinking this way.  Yes vigilantes, maybe that is another possibility, a "Vigilance Committee" on each campus.  After all College Administrations love Committee's.

You see I work at a community college myself and this has been on my mind for some time, and honestly, even in the movies the Campus Safety Officers are portrayed as Barney Fife's.  This is sad and I believe it is a social responsibility to change this sacrifice for a good laugh.  The Campus Safety Officers at my college are very dedicated and they are continually preparing themselves for all possibilities but, on campuses covering hundreds of Acers the difficulty still remains.  There must be Change!

My own opinion is that I would continue on by faith in my Lord Jesus, trusting Him with my life and what ever happens, is up to Him.  You might think that a bit ridiculous but, how else can you go on?  How can you return to school after something like this?  My only peace of mind is to trust in Jesus every day I go to work with the thought that, if this happened at my College and I was in the wrong place.  At the closing of my eyes here, there next opening would be seeing Jesus welcoming me.

R. William Collier 

Open campuses' vulnerability exposed - Crime & courts-

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Vending machines dispense pot in LA - Yahoo! News

Well, this eliminates the "Dealer"!  More seriously, I understand that there are situations when Marijuana or Pot use helps elevate symptoms suffered in certain illnesses, and that's fine.  I don't think anyone would disagree with pot being used there.

The problem that I am seeing is all of the sudden the list of sufferings by patients is forever growing.  For example in this very article one person who is taking the drug for anger management totally surprised me.  You might ask why, since anyone who has ever used pot for recreational purposes knows this drug basically makes you totally passive.  You would say its perfect for anger management. 

Well the problem with pot is the addiction isn't so much a physical addiction as it is a psychological addiction, and when you quit as I did from a two to three ounce usage per month addiction for years.  The first thing you encounter is a very increased anger level.  So using it for anger management is basically taking someone who has a problem and adding gas to the flame.  Now you have just created a monster.  

That is the problem with this idea of prescribed use of pot.  Any reason to use is appearing on the list.  Yes I know that we live in a medicated society, when you consider pot, and all of the other drugs, legal or not, and then you mustn't forget alcoholic beverages,  and this new stuff called designer drugs such as ecstasy and such.  America is medicated!

Because of all of this, has anyone ever considered just what the ramifications are to our society, to the human race?  How much dose it contribute to incest, birth defects, crime, physiological dysfunction in the populous, and finally the ultimate conclusion, death.  Where would we, the human race be, if we weren't inhibited by all of this unnecessary  pollution, can you imagine?

R. William Collier    


Vending machines dispense pot in LA - Yahoo! News

Monday, January 28, 2008

A pastor walks into a bar ... to listen - Faith-

 This is an interesting approach in Christian ministry, and there could be pitfalls and temptations and possible controversies but, hey that is what surrounds effective outreaches to those who really need someone anyway's.  Wether or not the bartender has trouble directing someone to the Pastor isn't important, it is wether the bartender thinks they are qualified to council someone in need.

The bartender would be relieved of a duty they were never intended to have in the first place.  Which would allow them to continue with their proper duties such as the rest of the customers for one, and more time to maintain their work station. 

People who are spiritually lost and unfortunately don't know where to go, or who to trust, often find themselves confiding in people who haven't a clue as to what to say or where to direct them.  Having Pastors in bars is the perfect solution for them not to mention, with the Pastors there it might make it much easier for the one who becomes too intoxicated to drive or make it home on their own, to get home safely.

If a bartender feels like an important aspect of their job is being taken away from them, well then maybe they should consider a career change.  There is always the need for more Pastors, and I hope in the future even in bars. 

R. William Collier

A pastor walks into a bar ... to listen - Faith-

Monday, January 21, 2008

Israel agrees to ease Gaza blockade - Israel-Palestinians-

Well the saga continues, only now the Palestinians are crying foul against someone other than Israel.  Egypt is now in the frying pan of known oppressors of the Gaza.  Why are these terrorists allowed so much sympathy, when all they deserve is apathy. 

The beauty here is using children and hospitals as shields and solicitors of world sympathy, as cover for their attacks on Israel.   Well it has back fired on them and now has become their black eye of embarrassment to the world.

We see the "Hamas" does have the ability to stop the rocket firings into southern Israel.  I find it quit impressive that they accomplished this in just a few amazing days.  What power they have over their own terrorists.  World sanctions and political pressure pail in comparison to the effectiveness of this political party.  I think the United Nations could learn from the Hamas on how to accomplish such stratagems.

On the serious note, Egypt had better be careful in this whole affair, with protestors at their border demanding it be opened to allow in supplies.  If they choose not to open their borders they might find themselves being targeted by these very familiar rockets.  Do ya really think so?

R. William Collier

Israel agrees to ease Gaza blockade - Israel-Palestinians-

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mature Human Embryos Created From Adult Skin Cells -

This reminds me of a story about a scientist who challenged God to a contest.  The scientist told God I can create life just like you, and God said ok, I'll create something and you create it too.  So God created a mouse, and the mouse began walking around looking for something to eat.  God said to the scientist ok, your turn.  So the scientist began collecting his things and getting his lab ready and he began mixing his potions and getting his samples of tissue and such, when God said, wait a minute!  Get your own stuff!

Point being, we tend to use this word "create" a little too loosely.  To truly create something it would have to be from nothing.  So as we read this article keep that fact in mind. 

The real question to this article is the same old one.  Do we have the right to copy life, or in a limited sense create life?  Is it moral for us to do this?  Well that is the reason I am writing this article on the subject of another article. 

Producing replacement tissue seems to be fine, but in order to understand what this means, requires a few questions to be answered first.  For example the words egg and embryos seem to be used synonymously in this article.  The question is what qualifies an egg to become an embryo, are they saying that because of the fusing of the skin tissue with an egg warrants it to be called an embryo?  Well then ok, we can go with that, and on that basis we would consider that the egg also, if not harvested would be naturally discarded by the donors body, well that's fine too.  I don't see any moral issue with that, in being any different from taking an aspirin for a headache, or using an artery from a leg to bypass a blocked one by the heart.

However, on the subject of cloning a human being, now that's a controversy!  I would have to take the stance that cloning a human being is wrong morally, and especially for any other reason than to allow such an individual to live normally and free.  The moral question, would a cloned individual have a soul?  Well of course they would, and you ask how?  Simply, I must point back to the story in the first paragraph.  God is still in control of everything that happens on this planet.  Nothing escapes His notice, all things are visible in His sight.  If we were to produce a cloned human being by fusing a egg with DNA and calling it a embryo, and then inserting it into a woman's womb to gestate to maturity and birth.  God would be completely involved in this individuals life in the intimacy of the womb just like anyone else.  God would also be using His "stuff" to allow all of this to happen.  If He didn't want it to happen it wouldn't. 

Being a God who is everything that the word "LOVE" imply's would never allow a being come to life that wouldn't be Loved by him.  In that Love, would demand that this cloned individual would posses a soul just like everyone of us. and as the Bible verse communicates, God Loves the whole world, not just some in the world.

"For God loved the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send His Son into the world that He might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.                                      John 3:16,17  (Holman Christian Standard Bible)


R. William Collier


Mature Human Embryos Created From Adult Skin Cells -

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

2 tons of explosives found amongst humanitarian aid en route to Gaza - Worthy News

Well isn't this interesting, just a while ago I wrote about an article titled "The Gaza reduced to beggary" in which the accusation was leveled against Israel that they wouldn't even allow humanitarian supplies into the Gaza.  Well according to this article Israel has been doing just that. 

Wouldn't you know it, the terrorists will stop at nothing as they, under the guise of transporting these humanitarian supplies have been caught twice this week alone for smuggling two tons of  fertilizer known to be used in manufacturing the rockets they are firing into Israel. Probably Ammonium Nitrate, the same fertilizer used in the Oklahoma bombing a few years ago.

It just goes to show you, when you attempt to shake hands with a snake your gonna get bit.  These terrorists don't care about those children who need batteries for their hearing aids, not to mention medical supplies.  They don't care about anyone if they don't care about their own children. 

Israel is there, they are living this very difficult existence, this nightmare.  They know the truth about what is going on, and then someone writes an article attempting to get the world to feel sorry for those poor people in Gaza, reality says Israel is who we should feel for.  I wouldn't say feel sorry, but proud of Israel's handling of this situation and the battle they are in. 

R. William Collier


2 tons of explosives found amongst humanitarian aid en route to Gaza - Worthy News

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Computer, The Internet, and the Cell Phone, Can these three be ONE?

When I step back and take a look at the last twenty years of the evolution of the Internet, it is absolutely amazing.  This modern day phenomenon of American creativity  is one of its very best creations.  To me it reflects the unification of the world, a sense of unity never before seen in history since the tower of Babel, (if you don't know the story its in the Bible).

These Mega companies such as Google and Microsoft and a slew of others, really too many to name.  The billionaires it has produced like the Google boys and Bill Gates and the list goes on and on.  The whole thing is beyond conception.  Well at this stage of evolution I must confess I am a bit frustrated as a user of the computer, the cell phone, and the Internet, and also I guess, the Wireless Applied Protocol.  My hope is that Google is moving to better unite these three, which as of yet are either bogged down with a lot of useless additional processes, or multiple programs such as messenger's needed on my computer just to keep in touch with my people.

For example if you are like me, I actually have the MSN Messenger, the Yahoo Messenger, yes Aim and Google Talk too.  This is ridiculous, but I like MSN for its versatility, Yahoo because I can play music and shrink it to my desktop, and it works together with MSN now.  Aim has XM radio and it works with Google Talk on my Firefox browser.  No I don't believe I should pay for radio when I pay for my ISP, that would just be one more program and process my computer must tolerate. 

Of course maybe this is to say before connecting these three together maybe we should work on the Internet and the computer before we even consider going near the cell phone.  If these four companies could possible meet on the common ground of producing one messenger that incorporated the characteristics of all four I would be eternally thankful.  Wow could you imagine if they could do the same with one Browser, better yet why do we even need a browser or messenger if we had only one.  Well I tried, but if we are going to have all three of these mediums working synergistically, I believe it will take a lot more compatibility than presently exists, the future demands it, and it is the only way to move with social change and popularity.  Does Google have what it takes?  Are the Cell Companies willing?  Can the fat cats share the success?  Can We all get along?

R. William Collier

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Is Google's future in question?

Google is the breath of new life on the net, and continues to be so even into this new year.  But what is Google going to do next?  I don't mean all of the wonderful software and all of the online applications.  I can't believe that this company is settled with all of these distractions.  None of these even come close to their success as the search giant.

Maybe from the inside of Google there is a hunger for a new product, maybe something on the same level or in the same field as their search products.  Just what could that be?  I think this is the question that is racking the brains of all of the suits in the company these days.  Maybe because Google is now established itself and that's all they are capable of doing.  All that is left is to be another Microsoft and begin churning out a bunch of products.

Unfortunately, if this is the case, Google will be like the turtle catching up to the hare.  Microsoft did the same thing years ago using their product sales to finance where they are now, and as of now has refined their products to the point that many industries are quite dependant on their products, which basically are the only logical choice they have. 

The question remains, can Google weather the chase, or do they need to?  I can't help but see if they continue to travel on this course that sooner or later it will begin to eat away at their financial position they hold today.  Again the question is what does the future hold?  Not only for Google, but for the entire industry.  I believe the one who can see even beyond the centralization of the cell phone and its many applications or maybe in which direction society will shift, is the one who will have the next big idea for Google.  But wait, is Microsoft there already?

R. William Collier