I commented earlier on a tech blog, and as I ponder this next year, I must say, from every angle it is going to be very interesting to say the least. from the end of the world predictions, to the elections, the economy, to even technology. I think you the reader could even add a couple more topics that don’t come to my mind right now. The topic I prefer most is the coming of our Lord Jesus. Oh yea, and don’t forget all that is happing in our universe astronomically.
Everything is wrong with this whole mess, definitely not good merchandising. When you see Verizon charging $100.00 more for these new phones and still a 2 year contract, people will just hang on to their current phones longer, not only waiting for the phone to come to their carrier, but for price to come down. I see a Paradigm shift coming this next year with serious stagnation coming to manufactures and carriers as they go beyond what the consumer is able to comprehend and afford. It isn't in getting the latest tech anymore for most people, naturally its price as well. There must be a need to fill, to sell a product.