Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. #Bible
This verse raises a question, is the good all things work together for, for us or God?
If we understand that regardless of what we think, it is God who is the orchestrator, or conductor. We basically are along for the ride. Sure we have our service to perform. We are Christians predestined, and invited into the family of God, and have a purpose for being in this state of existence.
The good here is our comforter the Holy Spirit who assists us in carrying out our service to God the Father. We sinners saved by Grace can't serve God on our own, the Holy Spirit is our success and our sustenance through our trials, persecutions, and tribulations. That is why it is stated in scripture that we are more than conquers in Christ Jesus our Sheppard. So serve fearlessly, in the Joy of the Lord.