Psalm 94:14-15 For the Lord will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage; 15 for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it. #Bible
If your not right now, its probably not been too long since you were dealing with issues in your life that were knocking you down or turning your life upside down.
This is the idea here, the Lord is telling His people Israel, though suffering in captivity, He has not forgotten them, they are His inheritance. He will once again restore them to their land. He will restore justice, and righteousness to His people as He delivers them to freedom.
Like Israel, the Lord is saying to us that we are His people, His Family, not only adopted, but His children.
God has known us before time began, and He still knows us inside and out. God knows our sufferings, our worries and anxieties, our trials and our persecutions, and so on. God will not abandon us now or ever.
Sometimes we forget to turn to God when we are so caught up in what we are going through. Yet the first thing we should do is talk to our Lord, because Jesus is the Holy one with all the answers and solutions. As one of my many Pastors use to say, "Its finally come to that".
In everything go to God first, and make your life Much simpler, and free.