Proverbs 13:1 A wise son hears his father's instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke. #Bible
To a wise Son he considers his father's correction, reproof, even chastening, to be instructed. The wise Son strives to be attentive and obedient to his father's instruction
The scoffer doesn't even listen, thinking he knows more and is wiser, only to be left to his own avoidable pitfalls.
We Christians realize our need for our Father's instruction which comes from heaven. We have discovered the amazing value contained in Gods Love Letter written to all of mankind, the Bible. The Bible is our instruction manual for this life, and its instruction absolutely necessary to continue on the path of true human beings, the children of God.
The scoffer in the long run is a pinball bouncing his way through this life reacting to the events created by his ignorance.
Walk with God, its an adventure on your way to eternity with Jesus the Christ.