Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. #Bible
This verse is one of my favorites, its the creamy center of the cookie verses surrounding it.
The Holy Spirit is with us all the time helping us especially in our weaknesses. He not only saved us from our sinful rebellion against God our Father, but now in all of our weaknesses.
Not only does the Spirit give us hope, but He is with us interceding for us with groanings beyond words, because we don't know what to pray for as we ouat to pray. The Spirit prays that perfect prayer for us that words can not express, because God is always searching our hearts for He knows the mind of the Spirit in perfect union, according to our Father God's perfect Will.
I love the fact that God is perfectly thoural, He leaves nothing out, He knows everything, nothing is hidden from Him, even what is in our hearts. We have nothing to hide and God has everything to help, and He does.
I can't help but see God's Love in all of this, He even Loves us with His perfect Love, nothing is held back by God, He gives it all for all time even eternity.
God even causes all things to be working together for good for us who He has called to Him, who love Him. That's those who have chosen to believe in His Son Jesus, and have declared Jesus to be their Sheppard and Lord. Leading us through this life, traveling the path with the least resistance, the righteous life of right living in Christ our Messiah.