John 6:51 I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. #Bible
In the Garden of Eden mankind gave up our spirit to satisfy with what nourishes our flesh.
Jesus the Christ came down from heaven and gave up His Flesh to nourish our spirit back to life, restoring us back to life everlasting.
This is God the Father's way of redeeming those He Loves, the whole World, back into an eternal relationship with Him.
Being the perfect gentleman if you will, he also gives us complete freedom of choice to believe in the sacrifice of His Son Jesus, or reject it.
God's Love is so perfect that He excepts the decision of those who choose to be separated from Him. God named this place of separation the lake of fire.
To have life forever from God's perspective is to be with Him, the Creator of all.
Think about it, if your not with the Creator and sustainer of all, what is left?
The same word which in Hebrew means “bread,” in the Syriac and Arabic means also “flesh.” (Barns)
Reader, remember this: it is one of the weightiest, and one of the truest and most important sayings in the book of God. (Clark)