Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Hebrews 13:5 Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. #Bible

I really don't understand loving money. In my life I have had times of prosperity, as fleeting as they were, and times of poverty as endless as they seem.
Loving money for me would be better described maybe as the lust of money. You know when you say "I wish I could afford to drive that Ferrari, or live in a house with five bathrooms". Well maybe it isn't quite lust, but having that kind of money would be worth giving it a try.
The question then, I would be asking myself, have I began loving the money to the point it comes between God and I? I believe it would haunt me continually, of course in a good way, I would hope keeping me right with my Father God.
I would hope if God blessed me with alot of money He would also bless me with His Wisdom on how I dealt with it.
Here is where I would have my hope, "I will never leave you nor forsake you". My Father in Heaven is with me through what ever I face in this world.  I can depend on Him to protect me and lead me through the treacherous course of having alot of money, or severe poverty. God is with me, and that is the Greatest wealth I possess, and this allows everything else that is good in my life.