Monday, June 8, 2009

Living in Christ makes more since than just saying I'm a Christian.

Just like so many who say Jesus Christ like its His first and last names.  Its not, Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the One and only unique Son of God.  No wonder the world uses it like its a curse word.  For me I choose to refer to my Savior as “Jesus The Christ”.  I doubt they will use "the" as His middle name then.

Living in Christ is to say Christ is my Life, and living is to say I walk with Him 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  I talk to him always and He talks with me.  You might say "how come He talks to you and not me?" I say, but He does talk to you.  So much that He wrote you a love letter that even has the words "Presented to" in the beginning of His letter we call the Bible, which probably has your name there also.  So if you ever want God to talk to you, simply begin to read the Love Letter He wrote to you.  It took Him centuries using some 40 men from poor men to kings to write you this Love letter.

So live the lifestyle of a true Human Being and walk and talk with God through the gift Jesus has given to all who believe.

God Bless You
Bill Collier