Sunday, December 23, 2007

The True meaning of Christmas.

There is no new "true meaning of Christmas" just the same as it has always been.  I don't really understand why someone would want to change a tradition that has been going on for centuries.  But they, those few, are relentless at their attempt to remove Jesus from His own birthday.

This is the definition according to  

  • A Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus.
  • December 25, the day on which this feast is celebrated.
  • Christmastide.


    Yes capitalism has worked its way into this wonderful day in which we commemorate our Savior's birth, and yes, I believe a bit too much.  For the Christian although, we still know and understand that we are celebrating our Savior's birth, as we remember that He left God the Father's side out of eternity to be born of a virgin, in order to express the Father God's love to all of mankind. 

    Yes its about the Love of our Creator and His Son Jesus, that's all.  There is no threat to anyone, there is no reason or justification for anyone to be offended, nothing.  Just a thankful heart of a person mature enough to commemorate the birth of God who truly loves us for who we are, and not what we are. 

    To anyone who has any other opinion of what Christmas day is about, I would suggest that you read the account of it which is found in the Holy Bible, and understand that the Holy Bible is an ancient Love Letter written to you by God, written over 1,500 years by some 40 authors, from kings to paupers, inspired by God Himself.  All with the same common purpose of communicating God's love for you.  All summed up in these two verses :

    For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.   John 3:16,17 (New King James Version)

    So with this I say to you, Merry Christmas and a happy new year. 

    Bill Collier



  • Saturday, December 15, 2007

    Gaza reduced to beggary - Washington Post-

    It surprises me every time I either read an article or watch a news video telling me of these people who suffer because their own neighbors are launching rockets into Israel.  Some two thousand this year alone, according to this article.  Why don't they just simply ask them to stop because their own people are suffering, instead of blaming Israel, the place where these rockets keep landing.

    Surely these people in Gaza City know who is responsible for launching the rockets.  If it were here in the U.S. and Arizona was launching rockets into Mexico, and Mexico was firing back at us in California.  Do you think for a minute that California would blame Mexico?  No way, we would be on our way to Arizona, and I promise you they would stop firing rockets very quickly, or else!

      I don't remember ever reading or hearing that Israel was the one who started firing on the Gaza first.  In fact, Israel has always been a nation who just wants to exist.  Just like every other nation on this planet.  What is so bad about that?  Why can't they have their very insignificantly small piece of land?  Well, when you look at the size of the land that the Moslems possess.

    The solution is so simple, just stop!  I'll bet if you did, Israel would follow suet and lift the sanctions on Gaza quite soon.  Especially on the essential humanitarian needs of these people suffering in the Gaza.  Knowing from my own past experience with the way the Jewish people come to the aid of those suffering, would be the first to help.  At the Oklahoma bombing years ago if the Jewish organizations weren't the first there to help financially or other wise they were running a close second.

    I say put Israel to the test, and stop firing rockets and see what Israel does.

    Bill Collier


    Gaza reduced to beggary - Washington Post-

    Monday, December 10, 2007

    PC World - The Most Anti-Tech Organizations in America

    I  totally agree with this article, especially with the question of weather we totally own these media's which we purchased with our hard earned money.  I'm surprised they don't make us sign a contract restricting us on how many friends we can allow to view or listen to our media with us.

    In the old days it was understood that you didn't broadcast the media and that was about it.  Until the "real to real" and the "cassette" we really couldn't even copy it.  Yes maybe it is a little more complicated now to some extent, but the concept should remain similar to then. 

    Again in the old days they were paid by commercials and sales of the audio products.  What we are reading in this article is nothing more than greed at its finest.  I don't know why, for example, the networks aren't just airing their media with commercials as before. 

    What I suggest is that we start producing our own media on the net with the understanding that you are sharing it with the world and hook up with Google and and get paid for the ads or any other way to get paid while airing your media.

    Technology is going to advance to such a state in the future that these so called PACs will find it impossible to keep up with.  Sort of like it was a century ago when they transmitted into the airwaves which were considered free. 

    There is enough good talent from what I have seen on the net to keep me entertained without ever accessing the monopoly giants.  If they can't get with the times let the dinosaurs pass into history. 

    Bill Collier

    PC World - The Most Anti-Tech Organizations in America

    Sunday, December 9, 2007

    2 killed in Christian center shooting - Crime & courts-


    We have another shooting, and yet another, not only this one one in Arvada, Colo.,  but also at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs Colo.  It saddens me to hear this kind of news that imply's we Christians aren't even safe at church. 

    I can't help but think that when you have the small amount of people that are doing their best to remove Christianity from our society, just like they removed prayer from our schools.  They continue to follow their agenda of secularization of our nation to the point, of total segregation.  That they would be surprised at this kind of news. 

    The news of the day is kids going on shooting rampages in all sorts of public places, and now even churches.  Obviously says that there is nothing sacred any more. 

    So what would you expect to happen when a generation of our children grow up with no example of morals other than what the public schools teach?  Can you, small group of people, who have your own selfish reasons for doing what you are doing to this nation even have a right to be surprised when the outcome or your activism is this kind of action?

    There is hope still, there is a way to turn this tide of horror that grips our nation with grief.  As we all feel the pressure of paranoia and anxiety in our everyday lives, fearing from outside and now even from within the very borders of our homeland.  And that is to return to the Christian morals this country was known great for in the past.

    To reiterate a statement of which I don't know who is responsible for:   "What this generation condones the next generation will embrace" 

    Bill Collier


    2 killed in Christian center shooting - Crime & courts-

    Saturday, December 1, 2007

    Will AT&T, Verizon really open their networks? - MarketWatch

    Well it is great to see that the power is still with the People!  This article is an admission that what the people want they had better get or else.  Verizon is wise enough to see or maybe keep tally of its customers who communicate what they want, as far as service and product. 

    You saw how phone number portability was so popular, by gosh so would be phone portability.  These phones aren't getting any cheaper, especially with all the new features and capabilities.  As they move towards all of these new uses, the price keeps going up.  Now if we could just get the makers of these devices to make something that would last as long as the contract, then they we would really have something. 

    With the economy slowing, and the signs of a serious tightening of the belt by the consumer.  These companies had better pay attention to the direction that we the consumer will have to go.  Maybe having even to cut back on the amount we have been spending on our little gizmo's due to economics.

    Bill Collier


    Will AT&T, Verizon really open their networks? - MarketWatch

    Friday, November 23, 2007

    WorldNetDaily: Putting the 'thanks' back into Thanksgiving

    Now here is an article that communicates the beginning of Thanksgiving!  The writer here gives us the history from an objective position, and then he shares from his personal convictions.

    Greg Laurie is a Pastor and so knowing that means what he says contains no hidden agenda.  He is speaking from his perspective as a Christian Pastor.  Unlike the article I wrote previously to this one.

    To look at Thanksgiving, you have no choice but to look at it from the Christian perspective because that's who these pilgrims were.  Christians escaping religious persecution, looking for a new start by faith in God.  Trusting God to see them through at what ever the cost. 

    They were Thankful to God for preserving them and also the new friends they were sharing the meal with.  Who as it turned out, because of the time of year had there own version of Thanksgiving feast, it was a good match.

    I would recommend reading Greg's article for its objectivity, and also its honesty in sharing the love of God.

    WorldNetDaily: Putting the 'thanks' back into Thanksgiving

    Thursday, November 22, 2007

    Americans mark Thanksgiving the way their forebears didn't - Yahoo! News

    This blog is more than anything directed at the author of this article.  I will make it short and to the point.

    Karin Zeitvogel I hope that no one ever writes an article about you or your life after the pattern you have written this article.  It seems to me that you prefer to use speculation and hearsay as your preferred tools to craft your real intention here.  Which is nothing else than to shoot down an American tradition. 

    To say that football would push out Christianity and the "Church Service" obviously allows the reader to know you were writing this from a personal position rather than from the objective. 

    I'll bet you suffer from writers block quite often, seeing how, if there is no personal conviction the words don't come.  Well I think you should look for another way to communicate your agenda than to attack issues from ignorance just because someone has told you the pen is mightier than the sword.

    My advise to you, is don't celibate Thanks Giving, just watch football, and save yourself allot of time.

    Americans mark Thanksgiving the way their forebears didn't - Yahoo! News

    Wednesday, November 21, 2007

    Holiday travelers on the move - News-

    You would think that with gas prices, the home equity and financing slump, and even the stock market turmoil.  More people would play it safe with their finances and just stay home for the holidays. 

    It gives me the feeling that we just keep going on oblivious to what might be signs, or warnings to really tighten the belt, financially.  The future seems dim from just about every direction.  Dim in regards to living like we are still in a growing economy. 

    It goes to show you that we the people of America don't want to change our lifestyles, no matter how far in debt, or whatever gets in our way, that would dictate tightening the financial belt.  Its like we are living in a bubble or a fantasy, oblivious to our changing economy. 

    It concerns me when we become so blind to what is happening around us that we probably will pick our next President based on who can tell the best story for the brightest future.  I can't help but think of these verses in the Gospel of Matthew:

    "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.  (Matthew 24:37-39 NASB)

    Reading the complete sermon Jesus gives here, will shed even more light on the way people are these days right here in our own society.


    Holiday travelers on the move - News-

    Monday, November 19, 2007

    Yahoo ultimatum over Europe performance - Financial Times-

    I believe Yahoo to be doing just the right thing.  Designing their services to be user friendly is a must, and the ultimate necessity.  The percentage of geek's out there is relatively minuet compared to those with no savvy.  

    Even though I would categorize myself as one who loves to get inside of a program and figure out every detail just because it is new. I fall back after its newness wears off to just go for the simplicity of its use.

    For example using Windows Live Writer, it is its simplicity I love and the ease of uploading my blogs to multiple sites, its in and out Burger.  

    Sooner or later the general public of the Internet will demand simplicity and speed to be their choice of use, even to the point of sacrificing more complicated functions that would allow them to do more.  Even to the point of loyalty of supplier.

    Yahoo ultimatum over Europe performance - Financial Times-

    Tuesday, November 13, 2007

    Mystery $100M donation lifts Pa. city - Yahoo! News

    This is what life should be about, this is what news should be about!  Just considering the beauty of this act and the insistence of the donor remaining anonymous. 

    Today is "Random acts of kindness day", and what a wonderful act of kindness this truly is.  For this person you can't help but know that this gift cost them something to give this act of kindness, and following the biblical stance on giving:

    "But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.  Matthew 6:3-4 (NASB)

    It isn't done this way so that the Father God will reward you.  Of coarse if you have ever given anonymously and stood back and watched the good that comes from it.  You will know that it is quite hard to imagine any better reward than that.  But the icing on the cake so to speak, is that our Father in Heaven does reward us.

    From this article you should be amazed at how everyone automatically excepts the giver's anonymity.  Being a donation of 100M, you would think people would be freaking out just to find out what kind of insane person would do such a thing. 

    That isn't the attitude of today's social  thinking.  But amazing as it is, these people except the circumstances in which the money is given, with thanksgiving and honor and tears of joy.  It has the makings of a very warm and wonderful holiday season.  Maybe even returning to a time, an attitude, when we just thanked God for His Kindness.


    Bill Collier


    Mystery $100M donation lifts Pa. city - Yahoo! News

    Monday, November 12, 2007

    Ga. governor prays for rain amid drought - Yahoo! News

    It's nice to see when someone is at their worst that they are not afraid of what people will say.  Governor Sonny Perdue is this kind of man, and leader.  A leader who will stand up for God, recognizing Him as the solution to the problem.  Not going to soothsayers or psychics, like allot of our leaders would do today. 

    Just to come across an article like this is very refreshing to my heart and my spirit as a Christian, and it motivates me to join in and to agree with Governor Sonny Perdue, asking our Lord God to please bring rain for Ga. in the Name of Jesus.  And I will continue to pray for rain for this state. 

    Our country has gone to far in a lot of ways, especially in the area of not honoring God and giving Him the respect and reverence due Him.  I believe that we are suffering as a country because of this fact.  No not being punished as some would like to say, but because in neglecting God, He has no choice but to honor our attitude and neglect us also. 

    God is a Gentleman when it comes to His relationship with us.  He will not force Himself on us nor will He get angry at us for our neglect of Him.  His time of anger was two thousand years ago when Jesus our Lord and Savior suffered our punishment, for yours and my sins and rebellious neglect and rejection of God. 

    God's Wrath is in the future when He will fully honor the wishes of those who choose to not believe in Him, or those who don't want anything to do with Him.  When He gives them exactly what they have wanted all along, separation from God once and forever.

    Bill Collier

    Ga. governor prays for rain amid drought - Yahoo! News

    Volcanoes could have caused dinosaur deaths

    I have just a little, well maybe allot of trouble believing this article.  As usual the writer assumes a whole bunch of information to be truthful fact.  We are looking at, as this article states, a time in history that is from 63 to 67 million years ago. 

    Do you think some decay has taken place in that amount of time?  Or maybe a whole lot of changes that have taken place unnoticed to this research which they claim to be new. 

    Even studying fossils, or DNA that just happened to be preserved enough to be examined 63 to 67 million years later seems a bit of a stretch to me.  Look at how quick they are claiming the ice shelves are melting.  Do you think that this episode will be remembered 63 to 67 million years from now?

    Its too bad that people who are supposed to be educated and even trained for special studies such as these could find better ways to convince me than to use speculation, which is tomorrow's fact, and enormous amounts of time to justify their research. 

    Honestly, to me when these kind of excuses are used I can't help but feel there goes another education sold out to the lust of money and fame.  Honesty is a rare commodity these days among these kinds of researchers.


    Volcanoes could have caused dinosaur deaths - LiveScience-

    Sunday, November 11, 2007

    Definition changing for people's privacy - Yahoo! News

    Obviously there is a problem with privacy in the U. S., but I think it is has a relatively easy solution.  That you don't cross lines without  justification!  If the line of privacy has to be crossed it has to be for a reason, a purpose.  Just collecting information at random is totally wrong.  If monitoring is necessary, that is all it is, and if nothing is found then shut the door and move on.  This was accomplished with the requirement of court permission.

    I understand that this word "collecting information"  is at the heart of this issue.  Well that is the problem and that is where everyone concerned is getting into trouble.  The attitude for this information isn't for a specific reason per say, but the attitude is " well since we have it we might as well use it for what ever else we want. 

    Storing the information is the biggest problem of all.  Storing it only leads to problems and as we all know there are serious people who want to get their hands on this.  Thus the dilemma, and I believe the problem.  Collecting information and saving it is the violation, not using it to accomplish an objective of national security and then destroying it from any further use.

    Privacy is privacy, period!   Americans in my opinion are supportive of governmental invasion, as long as it is honestly protecting American citizens.  The issue of those who are relatively new to our country, I believe, would fall under the criteria of monitoring because of their newness.  I don't see anything wrong, nor do I feel that the new card carriers (immigrants) in honesty, would disagree with closer monitoring either.

    When my life is effected, or even harmed because of my privacy is being violated.  You know that something is wrong, and court order, or no court order is even right.  The real enemy to me is the one who violates me, and that person from the court on up or down needs to be punished.  That is Justice!

    God Bless YOU

    Bill Collier

    Definition changing for people's privacy - Yahoo! News

    Thursday, November 8, 2007

    How to profit from a 'police state' - Wow, is this the future of America?

     I would recommend that you read this article, not from the perspective of investing, but just to see what is happening in our country.  As you see in this article, a 19.9% of total population is working as security workers, that is amazing!  And this figure doesn't even include  police or armed forces!

    What does this mean to you and I, the one either being protected or protected against?  I could actually travel from point A. where I was protected to point B. where I was the one they were protecting someone else against me because I was unknown.  Talking about a police state.

    For years I have said that Americans were a lot like the Romans in the time of Caesar.  Where somewhere's around 50% of the population at that time were slaves.  Now I understand those slaves were more like the working population of the U. S. today, rather than the negative idea we have from our own dark history.  Never the less, when you consider how much we pay in taxes, you see my point.

    What do we have in store for us in the future?  Where are we going?  If our past has any light to shed on our future, its obviously not too bright.  If more and more Americans are choosing to protect them selves from what they consider to be a serious threat to themselves and their property.  Who is to govern?  Who decides who is friend or foe?

    Let me leave you with some scripture from the Bible so that you can see that God still has everything in His Perfect Control.  I would recommend that you read Matthew chapters 24 and 25 to get the full context of what Jesus is saying:

    And Jesus answered and said to them, "See to it that no one misleads you.  "For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will mislead many.  "You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end.   "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.   "But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.   Mat 24:4-8

    "Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near;  so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door.    "Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.   "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.   "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.   "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.   "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.  Mat 24:32-39  (New American Standard Bible Translation) 

    For an audio discussion of this topic:



    How to profit from a 'police state' - MSN Money

    Sunday, November 4, 2007

    Cannabis Thrives in an Afghan Province - New York Times

    The reason I decided to blog about this article is basically because of the interesting way things are changing in our own country.  In California, even at the college I am employed at, the presence of prescribed cannabis is increasing continually.

    Our school newspaper just had a full two page article complete with color pictures of this ready to harvest crop of huge buds.  Buds are what they harvest, dry, and smoke.  This article not only communicated that right in our community, but all over California there were stores where you can freely go in and buy your weed, that is if you have a prescription.  You even can sample the different varieties of cannabis for sale, sort of like wine tasting.

    There is a new breed of doctors out there that are writing prescriptions for the use of cannabis for a seemingly increasing list of ailments.  The list I saw even qualified me for the use of this so called prescribed medicine. 

    Fifteen years ago I would have been excitedly waiting in line for my prescription.  Especially when I would be allowed to posses multiple ounces of weed.  Wow, you basically would have to be pretty ignorant today if you don't have a prescription.

    Of course the statement always comes up that we might as well legalize it and maybe it will cut our taxes or something.  Duh, legalizing cannabis would be a huge nightmare for our society if that were to happen.  You think people talking of cell phones while driving is a problem, imagine a bunch of stupid stoners driving.  

    Yes, I am an X stupid stoner, I used over two ounces a month when I was getting high.  I stayed high continually, I got to the point, in order to maintain my chronic cope, I was blazing about every thirty minuets just to stay boinked.  That is the high I liked to stay in, maybe others prefer a lesser high, but I never met those others in my circles. 

    When I quit smoking cannabis it took right around six months for the effects to disappear.  You see, this drug doesn't so much effect you with a physical addiction as it does a physiological addiction.  For me it even went far enough to change my personality, from an extrovert to an introvert.

    I have to say now that I have been free from cannabis for fifteen years, even still remembering being high, doesn't even compare with experiencing life sober and free from anything that would alter my state of consciousness.  This is the best high of all, and I have realized that I believed a lie and was damned as a stoner.

    For those of you that use cannabis honestly for an ailment and it honestly helps.  The only thing left for you is to weigh the cost to you personally.  Just as we do with every kind of medication we use. 

    God Bless YOU

    Bill Collier



    Cannabis Thrives in an Afghan Province - New York Times

    Tuesday, October 30, 2007

    Deadly Noel could become hurricane - Weather -

    Its a little late in the season for hurricanes, but as we know weather is unpredictable.  I was listening to a show on Israel National Radio (INR), in which the spokesperson on that program mentioned something which I have heard Christians make the same assertions about God also.

    The spokesperson said basically that maybe the fires in California, or even this storm are God's judgement on the U.S. for the way they are treating Israel.  I am attempting to give you what I felt was meant in His statement.  I went and tried to determine who I was listening to.  I don't want to say the wrong person so I will leave it as is. 

    Well you hear allot of this kind of talk going around from all sorts of people, and frankly, I think we are all out of line.  Trying to determine what God would or is doing is crazy, and I know for sure, that I don't have an inside line on what His agenda is, today or any other day.  I am happy knowing that God Loves me and that I am one of his children. 

    I try to understand, the Jewish perspective, and I can relate to their reservation in talking to Christians.  I am embarrassed for those Christians who are going beyond what our Savior Jesus instructed us to do when we are sharing the Gospel.  They argue, and persist in basically, forcing  it down peoples throats. 

    We are instructed to kick the dust off our feet and move on when the Gospel is rejected by someone.  I think this here is a good reason for doing that.  That we would retain a friendship with those who maybe for right now aren't interested but, who knows, in the future might be. 

    We need to remember that God so loved the whole world, not just some of us.  And there is just plain respect for people.  Jesus told the disciples it was ok to take a sword, but it wasn't for those who rejected the Gospel. 

    There are certain Christians that I know, that the Jewish people have high regards for, and believe me you won't see these people hitting them over the head with their Bibles, they will be loving them just as our God loves us.

    If we could do this I believe that there would be allot fewer people like these who are on the defense with Christians who they feel have an ulterior motive.  No one takes a defensive position against true love for fellow man.

    I will be discussing this on the Mindworthy Audio Commentary

    God Bless YOU

    Bill Collier


    Deadly Noel could become hurricane - Weather -

    Wednesday, October 24, 2007

    The Fires continue to rage!

    Well today was better as far as my area for the smoke and ash.  But for fires, the winds continued to drive them on.  We had a couple of additional fires start up and the Lake Arrowhead fire continued. 

    It was interesting today, because there was the smell of smoke.  Yet yesterday, was dark and overcast looking, with no smell of smoke.  At least where I am or for me.  I'm not sure how accurate my sence's are seeing how congested these fires have made me.

    So I think continuing on the subject of how vulnerable and delicate we are in the scheme of these tragic events is still relevant.  It is something that happens in life, in everyone's life at one time or another.  Good and bad happen, that's just the way life is.  Wether you are a Christian or not has no bearing on what happens in life.  Although I must say living according to God's Word can help you detour from pitfalls and self inflicted troubles.

    For there is a proper time and procedure for every delight, though a man's trouble is heavy upon him.  If no one knows what will happen, who can tell him when it will happen?   Ecclesiastes 8:6,7

    The wisdom of these two verses is that they are talking about men or mankind but, with God nothing is impossible.  In living the Christian Lifestyle, it means that we are in communication with God at all times.  That's what a relationship is, and wether we are just talking to Him or asking for something He always hears us.  The answer He gives is entirely up to Him.  And God does answerer His children.

    God is a very loving Father to us who call Him Daddy.  He always gives us the right things, and always the right answers.  Sometimes He lets us go through things to help us become better or to learn something, but always as our God first, and our Daddy second.  He always provides for us perfectly.

    God Bless YOU

    Bill Collier

    Tuesday, October 23, 2007

    California Fires and how frail man is in God's eyes

    Well, California is burning, here in So. Cal. even at the beach the smoke and the ash and the dust, is being brought to us by the wind.  You don't really want to even go out into it for fear of inhaling all of this into your lungs. 

    For me, just getting over a bought with asthma and allergies, this isn't a very good feeling to be out in this kind of environment.  But its my job, yes I, well for my normal job that pays the bills  is a grounds keeper.  

    Of course when you get to be my age and things aint what they use to be, you tend to have a fuller plate.  I am looking at the brighter side, because at my work they just announced this afternoon, because of all the smoke and ash they closed the campus.  So I just might get to come home home early tomorrow.  I'll believe that when I see it.

    As far as my home being in danger, you never know.  I remember many years ago a fire in the San Bernardino mountains that came right up to a tract of homes and the hot ashes floated on the wind right over the homes with the asphalt shingle roofs, to the homes with the wood shingles and burnt that tract of homes to the ground in a matter of an hour.  So for my home that very thing could possibly happen.  So you never know what the future holds

    Jeremiah mentions how little control we really do have over the events of our lives as he realizes his own frailties before the Lord:

    I know, O LORD, that a man's way is not in himself, Nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.  Correct me, O LORD, but with justice; Not with Your anger, or You will bring me to nothing.  Jeremiah 10:23,24 NASB

    This the last thing that the LORD wants to do to the believer in Jesus the Christ, but I believe it is important for us to remember who the LORD God is and the honor He deserves from His creation, especially His children. 

    God Bless YOU

    Bill Collier

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    Thoughts for Today

    Well, today has been an interesting day.  I have been doing a little shopping, and of course people watching.  Both my wife and I enjoy watching people immensely, in all the diversity and obviously different looks and personalities you see.  Its amazing how God creates such diversity in His Creation, even in nature it is immense. 

    Why do you suppose He does this?  Possibly to communicate to us the vastness of His creativity, or maybe He is just an artist at heart?  He creates His children in a variety of colors, and shapes and sizes.  He creates them with all sorts of personalities and characteristics.  You can see His artistic abilities in everything He does, and this creation is His canvas, His Masterpiece, or His expression of who He is.

    For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.  Romans 1:20 NASB

    This verse from the New Testament tells us that we are without excuse, if by what God has created we still don't see Him.  Maybe we just need to look a little bit closer to what is right around us to understand that God has been there all along, represented in what He has created.

    Listen to the audio discussion of this subject at:

    Thursday, October 18, 2007

    There is no more barrier between Jew and Gentile

    Here in Ephesians we see that both Jew and Gentile can return to God.  Because of the ultimate price paid by Christ Jesus the one and only unique Son of God.  AND HE CAME AND PREACHED PEACE TO YOU WHO WERE FAR AWAY, AND PEACE TO THOSE WHO WERE NEAR.  So that the barrier of enmity between us would be so that in Himself He might make two into one new man, thus establishing peace.  Ephesians 2:11-22

    Come join us at the Mindworthy Audio Commentary as we look into this wonderful news for those who wish to draw near to God.  Everyone is welcome to draw near to God and also to be a part of the Mindworthy Audio Commentary.


    See you there

    Bill Collier

    A quick summery of Ephesains so far

    The Apostle Paul addressing the Christians at Ephesus as the faithful in Christ Jesus.  The idea behind this is that this church or these believers in Ephesus are a group of healthy believers.  There is an absence of many of the problems that were going on in some of the other churches.  Such as in Corinth, there was quite a few problems that Paul addresses concerning that church.  While in Ehpesus they were displaying the qualities of a healthy church.

    Paul begins by telling them to continue on seeking God and loving one another, while looking to Jesus for all that is in store for the believer in Jesus.  Paul begins listing the wonderful Graces God has lavished upon the believers, explaining who we are as believers and what God the Father has done and is doing for us. 

    The wonderful point of the letter to the Ephesians is that in it we see what we have in Christ Jesus, and who we are.  Being the adopted children of God who chose us before the Heavens and the earth were even created, and has been loving us ever since.  Not only that but God the Father has even created a destiny for each one of us of good works in which we are called to walk or live in. 

    My suggestion is read the first chapter and join us in the second chapter as we find out just who we are as Christians and what is in store for us now and in the future.  Learning how to be a Christian who walks with God and lives in the Power of the Holy Spirit.  Being directed to the abundant life that the unbeliever cannot understand nor be apart of. 

    In my opinion after you take a very close look at this letter to the Ephesians, understanding who you are in Christ Jesus.  You will walk away (so to speak) a new creation that God intended you to be all along.  Even to the seasoned Christian who has years behind them will have a refreshed understanding of who they are in Jesus.

    So come join us in the examination of the letter to the Ephesians at the Mindworthy Audio Commentary at: 

    God Bless YOU

    Bubba Bill Collier

    A Mindworthy Anouncement!

    Hi there, as you can tell, I haven't updated my blog for some time. That is because I have been busy with the Mindworthy Audio Commentary. Now that it is underway and the response is much greater than I expected or thought at this stage. I feel it is time to announce it on my written blog. So that is what I am doing, announcing to you that the Mindworthy Audio Commentary is under way and you are welcome to check it out.

    I will use this written blog to give timely updates on the Commentary, and also give a brief explanation of what is being discussed on the Commentary. Because of the response to the Commentary I am very excited to see what God dose in the next couple of months. Here is where I will also let you know about the different subjects and topics being discussed.

    Right now I am in the middle of teaching the letter to the Ephesians. We are in the second chapter and the next addition will be in verse 11. If you would like to hear a different style of teaching, one that is from a simple perspective yet profound, because it is the Word of God. Well then I think you will like this laid back informal study. My desire is to present God's Word as honestly as I possibly can with accuracy and sincerity. So come on over and give it a listen and I think you will agree that the Word of God is a wealth of necessary information and knowledge needed today by mankind just to maintain sanity in a crazy world.

    If you are not a Christian, its ok, you will find a wealth of positive information and councel to help you understand your reason for existing and the purpose for your life. This is the address for the Mindworthy Audio Commentary:

    Thank You

    R. William Collier

    Sunday, September 9, 2007

    JERUSALEM – Islamic authorities using heavy machinery to dig on the Temple Mount

    This article might just be some of the best evidence in existence of what exactly is the location of the second Temple. Even though the obvious tragedy which is happening on the Temple Mount itself. I believe we as Christians should be totally involved in assisting our Jewish brothers and sisters, in what ever capacity we are capable of. This action by the Islamic authorities is completely absurd, for ones who are so quick to cry out at any so called violation committed by the Israelis.

    We Christians need to speak out in aid to our Jewish family, we need to come to their aid and do the right thing by them. It is obvious the Jewish Government has turned a deaf ear to their cries, this doesn't mean that our media will stay silent. So let your voice be heard, email all of your friends and brothers and sisters in Christ and get the word out, don't let the powers that be, cover up this one too. The power still resides with the people, not the politicians.

    R. William Collier

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    Tuesday, July 10, 2007

    Can Bloggers Strike It Rich?

    Boy, the stuff you read.  This is a short blog on this article, to just state
    my point.  If you are a novel blogger as I am, keep blogging, don't let the so
    called big guys of today scare you.  You have something to say with conviction
    and that scares them.  And guess what?  They must earn a living at it, we do it
    because we want to, and because we can, and that scares them.  In time if you continue at your own
    pace, and one of your articles gets picked up and people begin to read you. 
    Then you can count some extra dollars in the bank.  if that doesn't happen, so
    what, its still rewarding and fun. 

    to Can Blogger's Strike It Rich?

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    July 10, 1997: Neanderthal DNA Suggests a Separate, Unequal Being

    This article, what can I say. I am just a bit flabbergasted. Now we are an inferior being? Oh I understand, the Unequal Being is survived by the inferior being. Because of DNA research, obviously they can no longer make claims that something is billions of years old. But now they expect me to swallow that we are cross bread of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. This article states that, "that theory has been debunked by DNA analysis, but the debate continues." What debate? The discussion is over!

    It seems to me by reading this article we are seeing an even bigger story than the subject of this article. In what is being stated is a sense of insecurity as to what the truth really is. The author uses expressions like "but seem to point" and "for approximately 30,000 years" and "was seemingly", and this last one "Fossils indicate". You can make "Fossils indicate" what ever you want to argue.

    What I am seeing here, which is the good news about this article is the author's intimidation by the advances in modern science and technology. He is very careful to stay in a safe position for fear of scrutiny.

    In my opinion, the shady history of the secular anthropologists and their insane boasts over the last couple of hundred years, and even right into our day, are now, to borrow a expression from this author, "are seemingly" motivated by their want for more money to fund their so called expeditions and experiments. If the anthropologist of a generation ago stuck to what was found to be true and honest, they would have to find another way to financially support themselves and also to expatiate their egos.

    Fortunately today with technology increasing in accuracy and proving what is true. We will be able to know that it is a pig's tooth instead of a whole new species found in Nebraska.

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    Saturday, July 7, 2007

    Equipped for Every Good Work

    Good day to you, this morning I put together a audio blog on 2 Timothy 3:12-17 and I enjoyed it so much I thought you might like the info I used. So here it is:

    2Ti 3:12 And indeed, all who want to live a godly life united with the Messiah Yeshua will be persecuted,
    2Ti 3:13 while evil people and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving others and being deceived themselves.
    2Ti 3:14 But you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, recalling the people from whom you learned it;
    2Ti 3:15 and recalling too how from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which can give you the wisdom that leads to deliverance through trusting in Yeshua the Messiah.
    2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living;
    2Ti 3:17 thus anyone who belongs to God may be fully equipped for every good work. (Complete Jewish Bible)

    Here is a quote from Matthew Henry:

    2Ti 3:10-13 -
    The more fully we know the doctrine of Christ, as taught by the apostles, the more closely we shall cleave to it. When we know the afflictions of believers only in part, they tempt us to decline the cause for which they suffer. A form of godliness, a profession of Christian faith without a godly life, often is allowed to pass, while open profession of the truth as it is in Jesus, and resolute attention to the duties of godliness, stir up the scorn and enmity of the world. As good men, by the grace of God, grow better, so bad men, through the craft of Satan, and the power of their own corruptions, grow worse. The way of sin is down-hill; such go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. Those who deceive others, deceive themselves, as they will find at last, to their cost. The history of the outward church, awfully shows that the apostle spake this as he was moved by the Holy Ghost.

    And another quote from Adam Clark:

    2Ti 3:12 -
    All that will live godly - So opposite to the spirit and practice of the world is the whole of Christianity, that he who gives himself entirely up to God, making the Holy Scriptures the rule of his words and actions, will be less or more reviled and persecuted. “If religion gives no quarter to vice, the vicious will give no quarter to religion and its professors.”

    Of course if you want to hear everything I said you can catch the podcast, but for here I will share the finial point.

    Living as a Christian is somewhat difficult today as far as persecution goes. It happens now and then, and to some maybe more often. Serious persecution takes place with the one who is on the front lines presenting the Gospel. As you read these quotes you can see that even in the sixteenth century persecution was alive and well. And so it will be as long as Christians are on this earth in our present state.
    The Good News is that in verses 16 and 17 Paul goes right by the persecution so to speak and straight to the solution to the problem. He says:

    2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin, correcting faults and training in right living;
    2Ti 3:17 thus anyone who belongs to God may be fully equipped for every good work. (Complete Jewish Bible)

    Scripture and the study of it is the answer to persecution because it will equip you for every good work. By the renewing of our minds on the word of God we are transformed into the very image of Christ Jesus and we are fully equipped for every good work. That word “every” means just that, every, includes everything. There is nothing that can come at us that we aren’t fully equipped to handle. So if you are in the word daily, reading, studying, meditating and in Prayer with the Lord you are equipped!

    Well now we see our faith come into play. Or better yet now that we want to live a godly life united with the Messiah Yeshua, that faith which comes from being equipped in God’s word will be directly applied to our good works that conquer evil.

    Rom 12:21 Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good. (CJB)

    I hope you have the time to catch the podcast also, I tend to ramble a bit but I think you will get the point.

    God Bless YOU and have a wonderful day with Jesus our LORD

    Bubba Bill Collier

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    Sunday, February 4, 2007

    Cross removal stirs Va. college campus

    By SONJA BARISIC, Associated Press Writer Sat Feb 3, 3:39 PM ET

    What I notice in this article is that everyone apparently, wants the chapel to remain being referred to as a “chapel”. It is referred to as a “sacred space” meaningful to students, alumni, faculty and staff of the public school who use it for religious services and secular events. Frankly, I don’t understand what is meant by “unadorned”. A simple definition for this word is: Without adornment or embellishment; simple or plain. Is it meant to describe the brass Cross or to diminish its importance?

    Maybe a way for those to better understand the importance of this Cross or this chapel would be a movement that seeks to take down all of the American flags across the country because there are those who reside in this country that are offended by its presence in public view. Due to the negative experiences they went through in the country in which they immigrated from.

    My question is what is the difference? To the majority of people who call themselves American citizens consider the Cross of Christ as American as the American Flag. Why doesn’t the writer of this article take a survey, “for herself”, and find out public opinion, not political opinion.

    What I believe is a bunch of followers, not true leaders, doing what has become the popular thing to do. How can you remove something that has stood for over 66 years in this chapel, which was built over three centuries ago with the intention of being a chapel? What do you expect to find in a chapel, except a Cross? I’m surprised to find there obviously is only one Cross. Who knows, is it because the Cross it is placed on the alter? The traditional place where repentance and forgiveness takes place, as a meeting place between God and man.

    I doubt that Mr. Gene R. Nichol is even 66 years old. If he is, I am surprised that a seasoned man of that age wouldn’t have a deeper root in what the college he runs stands for. I’m sure it wasn’t started to teach its students secular humanism. Don’t we have a responsibility to the founders of this college to maintain some sort of dedication to what was originally intended? Or maybe that is old fashioned, and out dated for today.

    To those of other religions, or beliefs, who don’t embrace the Christian values and traditions. I would suggest that you might look into another location that is free of those American traditions dating back many centuries. There you can create a sacred space to think in the quiet, without offending anyone or trampling underfoot traditions that have stood much longer than you have been alive.

    R. William Collier

    Sunday, January 28, 2007

    What makes since, evolution or intelligent design?

    Here is a simple display of the vast difference between evolution and intelligent design.

    Tuesday, January 23, 2007

    Mindworthy: Why Israel?

    Why Israel?

    It’s always the same, they get together for these talks, but life goes on. My biggest bit of confusion is how the world sits in their comfort zone and criticizes a small country like Israel for protecting their borders from every kind of attack imaginable. A little country that is what, 18 miles wide by 30 miles long, or something, I don’t know the exact size, but I’m sure I’m close enough to make the point. All they want is to live in peace. I don’t see them wanting to take any land that wasn’t already theirs. They don’t have oil thank God, or any other wealth, other than their own ingenuity. Yet it seems to work for them. They have the Holy sites that are from their own history, much further back than any other nation in the region. It’s proven in one of the oldest (ancient) documents man has today, yet they are living in a state of war continually, and have been since they became a nation. I just don’t understand any other reason to persecute these people, even the land they posses isn’t really that desirable either. Why?

    Sunday, January 21, 2007

    Should all religions have the right to worship?

    Zeus worshippers demand access to temple

    As we see from this article, these worshipers of Zeus and the other gods of that era, are fighting for freedom of religion, freedom of worship. According to this article they are a very small percentage of the total population which is 93% orthodox Christians.

    Regardless of their preference in worship they should be allowed to worship. They might have it much easier than those same Christians living in the 4th century who believed in Jesus at great personal risk. Manny Christians lived in fear for what they believed, many even died as a result of their faith. Now in 2007 the table is turned, should we persecute these Zeus worshippers, and kill them as we were? Or maybe respect their right to their own choice in who they choose to worship.

    In the US we are seeing our religious freedoms diminishing on a continual basis. We have seen the Ten Commandments removed from a courtroom that is responsible to uphold those very laws that come from these Ten Commandments. Parents are being challenged in the basic right to raise their children as they see fit. Churches are being challenged on all sides also, in their hiring practices, liabilities, tax exempt status etc.

    I believe that the future is going to be a very turbulent time for the Christians in the US. Those that are not believers in Jesus the Christ are determined to eliminate the Christian evidence of influence in the establishment of these United States of America. They are in the process of removing that evidence in our libraries, museums, and Churches just as they have in our public school system.

    The conclusion of all of this if Jesus tarries in His return, I believe will be a cry from society to the Christian Church for help, a cry for a return to the Christian morality that for centuries has worked better by far than any other system of peace and prosperity. It’s just sad that we have to travel the full circle to find this out. So in conclusion of this article I believe it is imperative to allow all peoples the freedom of religion and worship. If of course, this is a danger to an ancient landmark well of course protect the landmark but, allow the worship and treat them with the utmost respect in their freedom and peace.

    Thursday, January 11, 2007

    The moral issues of the open mind

    Being able to read ones thoughts from a psychological and therapeutical stand point sounds good, especially if inroads into healing the mentally ill become successful through this procedure. But what about the moral considerations, or is there a moral issue?

    The advances in science or technology or any other field has always attempted to win the race with God. For a while they might even look like they could win and discredit God, but as always man soon learns once more that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is still on the thrown.

    As we learn more about what the potential of this procedure is, it will become obvious what the correct moral position will be. Christians tend to react too quickly in situations they are not familiar with. We need to be patient and wait for results and not panic. If the mind loses its privacy, then hopefully the individual’s rights will be upheld.

    R. William Collier