Friday, November 23, 2007

WorldNetDaily: Putting the 'thanks' back into Thanksgiving

Now here is an article that communicates the beginning of Thanksgiving!  The writer here gives us the history from an objective position, and then he shares from his personal convictions.

Greg Laurie is a Pastor and so knowing that means what he says contains no hidden agenda.  He is speaking from his perspective as a Christian Pastor.  Unlike the article I wrote previously to this one.

To look at Thanksgiving, you have no choice but to look at it from the Christian perspective because that's who these pilgrims were.  Christians escaping religious persecution, looking for a new start by faith in God.  Trusting God to see them through at what ever the cost. 

They were Thankful to God for preserving them and also the new friends they were sharing the meal with.  Who as it turned out, because of the time of year had there own version of Thanksgiving feast, it was a good match.

I would recommend reading Greg's article for its objectivity, and also its honesty in sharing the love of God.

WorldNetDaily: Putting the 'thanks' back into Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Americans mark Thanksgiving the way their forebears didn't - Yahoo! News

This blog is more than anything directed at the author of this article.  I will make it short and to the point.

Karin Zeitvogel I hope that no one ever writes an article about you or your life after the pattern you have written this article.  It seems to me that you prefer to use speculation and hearsay as your preferred tools to craft your real intention here.  Which is nothing else than to shoot down an American tradition. 

To say that football would push out Christianity and the "Church Service" obviously allows the reader to know you were writing this from a personal position rather than from the objective. 

I'll bet you suffer from writers block quite often, seeing how, if there is no personal conviction the words don't come.  Well I think you should look for another way to communicate your agenda than to attack issues from ignorance just because someone has told you the pen is mightier than the sword.

My advise to you, is don't celibate Thanks Giving, just watch football, and save yourself allot of time.

Americans mark Thanksgiving the way their forebears didn't - Yahoo! News

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Holiday travelers on the move - News-

You would think that with gas prices, the home equity and financing slump, and even the stock market turmoil.  More people would play it safe with their finances and just stay home for the holidays. 

It gives me the feeling that we just keep going on oblivious to what might be signs, or warnings to really tighten the belt, financially.  The future seems dim from just about every direction.  Dim in regards to living like we are still in a growing economy. 

It goes to show you that we the people of America don't want to change our lifestyles, no matter how far in debt, or whatever gets in our way, that would dictate tightening the financial belt.  Its like we are living in a bubble or a fantasy, oblivious to our changing economy. 

It concerns me when we become so blind to what is happening around us that we probably will pick our next President based on who can tell the best story for the brightest future.  I can't help but think of these verses in the Gospel of Matthew:

"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.  (Matthew 24:37-39 NASB)

Reading the complete sermon Jesus gives here, will shed even more light on the way people are these days right here in our own society.


Holiday travelers on the move - News-

Monday, November 19, 2007

Yahoo ultimatum over Europe performance - Financial Times-

I believe Yahoo to be doing just the right thing.  Designing their services to be user friendly is a must, and the ultimate necessity.  The percentage of geek's out there is relatively minuet compared to those with no savvy.  

Even though I would categorize myself as one who loves to get inside of a program and figure out every detail just because it is new. I fall back after its newness wears off to just go for the simplicity of its use.

For example using Windows Live Writer, it is its simplicity I love and the ease of uploading my blogs to multiple sites, its in and out Burger.  

Sooner or later the general public of the Internet will demand simplicity and speed to be their choice of use, even to the point of sacrificing more complicated functions that would allow them to do more.  Even to the point of loyalty of supplier.

Yahoo ultimatum over Europe performance - Financial Times-