Sunday, August 23, 2009

What's wrong with a Social Security Bailout? Millions face shrinking Social Security checks - More politics-

Its common knowledge that the Social Security system has basically been pilfered over the years, money's borrowed and not repaid.  We are told of late in the news about the large  amount of bail out money that remains.  Almost like our current administration can't figure out where they should apply it.  What better place is there than the Social Security system for using this bailout money, that would benefit the entire Nation? 
I really don't understand what the problem is with our administration, that would offer three billion dollars to spend on cash for clunkers when I consider (as just a citizen of this country) how far three billion dollars would go in the Social Security system.  Maybe that would be close to the figure that would allow the Social Security Recipients to receive a cost of living increase this next year.  For those who solely depend on Social Security as their income, which is far below the poverty level, any amount would be welcomed.
With Medicare and so forth, again this is where the bail out money would benefit the Nation as a whole.  If this current administration has a tendency towards socialistic programs and functions, well then maybe they should actually do something that has a social benefit.  Rather than for wall street, and places such as the auto industry and the banking industry. 
It makes you wonder if they have, maybe another agenda in mind, when things don't jive.  Plotting the course for a ship requires a plan of transit, or knowing where you are going and where you will end up.  Surely our current administration has a plan, and goals for what they want to accomplish.  I hope they aren't playing it by ear or going with the flow, or like a pinball that only reacts to contact that forces its direction. 

Millions face shrinking Social Security checks - More politics-

Bill Collier