Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Fires continue to rage!

Well today was better as far as my area for the smoke and ash.  But for fires, the winds continued to drive them on.  We had a couple of additional fires start up and the Lake Arrowhead fire continued. 

It was interesting today, because there was the smell of smoke.  Yet yesterday, was dark and overcast looking, with no smell of smoke.  At least where I am or for me.  I'm not sure how accurate my sence's are seeing how congested these fires have made me.

So I think continuing on the subject of how vulnerable and delicate we are in the scheme of these tragic events is still relevant.  It is something that happens in life, in everyone's life at one time or another.  Good and bad happen, that's just the way life is.  Wether you are a Christian or not has no bearing on what happens in life.  Although I must say living according to God's Word can help you detour from pitfalls and self inflicted troubles.

For there is a proper time and procedure for every delight, though a man's trouble is heavy upon him.  If no one knows what will happen, who can tell him when it will happen?   Ecclesiastes 8:6,7

The wisdom of these two verses is that they are talking about men or mankind but, with God nothing is impossible.  In living the Christian Lifestyle, it means that we are in communication with God at all times.  That's what a relationship is, and wether we are just talking to Him or asking for something He always hears us.  The answer He gives is entirely up to Him.  And God does answerer His children.

God is a very loving Father to us who call Him Daddy.  He always gives us the right things, and always the right answers.  Sometimes He lets us go through things to help us become better or to learn something, but always as our God first, and our Daddy second.  He always provides for us perfectly.

God Bless YOU

Bill Collier

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

California Fires and how frail man is in God's eyes

Well, California is burning, here in So. Cal. even at the beach the smoke and the ash and the dust, is being brought to us by the wind.  You don't really want to even go out into it for fear of inhaling all of this into your lungs. 

For me, just getting over a bought with asthma and allergies, this isn't a very good feeling to be out in this kind of environment.  But its my job, yes I, well for my normal job that pays the bills  is a grounds keeper.  

Of course when you get to be my age and things aint what they use to be, you tend to have a fuller plate.  I am looking at the brighter side, because at my work they just announced this afternoon, because of all the smoke and ash they closed the campus.  So I just might get to come home home early tomorrow.  I'll believe that when I see it.

As far as my home being in danger, you never know.  I remember many years ago a fire in the San Bernardino mountains that came right up to a tract of homes and the hot ashes floated on the wind right over the homes with the asphalt shingle roofs, to the homes with the wood shingles and burnt that tract of homes to the ground in a matter of an hour.  So for my home that very thing could possibly happen.  So you never know what the future holds

Jeremiah mentions how little control we really do have over the events of our lives as he realizes his own frailties before the Lord:

I know, O LORD, that a man's way is not in himself, Nor is it in a man who walks to direct his steps.  Correct me, O LORD, but with justice; Not with Your anger, or You will bring me to nothing.  Jeremiah 10:23,24 NASB

This the last thing that the LORD wants to do to the believer in Jesus the Christ, but I believe it is important for us to remember who the LORD God is and the honor He deserves from His creation, especially His children. 

God Bless YOU

Bill Collier