Saturday, March 7, 2015

None are like God

Exodus 15:11 () 11 Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? #Bible

The point is there is none even close in comparison to God, even the great ones of this world pale in comparison. To sing this song is to say you are God's people and you are familiar with Him. You have experience with God because you stay close to Him.
We people of God are privileged to experience God, majestic in holiness, awesome in His glorious deeds, and His doing wonders.
The richness of our lives, no matter what we endure in this life, is because of our Lord's concern for our eternal destination. By this we  sing praises to Him at every turn in our journey for His Wonderful saving Grace. Praise the Lord!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Seek The Lord

Isaiah 55:6-7 Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; 7 let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. #Bible

Seek the Lord while He is seekable, yes while He may be found, while being available. Jesus was approachable for the three-plus years of His ministry and then was with our Father.
Let the non caring blatantly wicked change their direction.
Let the sinner of the mind return to right standing with the Lord; with compassion as he returns to God, because our Lord will overwhelming beyond our minds capacity pardon.
This old Testament Gospel drips of the invitation to fellowship, or even to walk with God, even with the idea of that relationship like Eden, as is possible. That God has always desired complete closeness or fellowship to mankind. With the idea there is a time limit, even that God is found near now.
Our salvation in not something to be played with. The variables of our unforseen future and its calamities, not to forget the return of Jesus should motivate us to fear and trembling.
As an old friend use to say "Worship Jesus" for every situation.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


1 Peter 5:10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. #Bible

This is an excerpt from Kenneth S. Wuest expanded translation New Testament. 1 Peter 5:9-11. I recommend reading the whole chapter to get the benefit of meaning in this salutation.

Stand immovable against his onset, solid as a rock in your faith, knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being accomplished in your brotherhood which is in the world. But the God of every grace, the One who summoned you in Christ with a view to His eternal glory, after you have suffered a little while, shall himself make you complete, shall establish you firmly, shall strengthen you, shall ground you as on a foundation. To Him let there be ascribed this power forever and forever. Amen.

What a Wonderful God we have been summoned to fellowship with. Amen.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Confess quickly

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. #Bible

Why wouldn't we confess our sins? Although we don't sometimes, for whatever motivation. God gave us a heart full of conscience and conviction. I believe to help us to free ourselves from the shame and quilt of our sins.
Like David we are ashamed to come to God.  David found the relief that came when the Prophet Nathan confronted him. It was wonderful when David finally confessed his sin, and David was once again right with God. Though the consequences of his sin was reality in his life.
Confessing our sins quickly is to say to God that we desire to Please Him, and that is perfect obedience, and that obedience is how we say to our God that we love Him. Don't hold on to your sins, it's horrible. Live in the Joy of the Lord.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Word of Christ

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. #Bible

If we wish to enter our rest with the Father and Son Jesus, we must consider the Word of God and its benefits. In the perfect Love of God we see that Love here in this verse, it is able to do that perfect work in our lives, that will carry us to eternity with our Lord.
In its action towards the unbeliever the Gospel is able to even divide soul and spirit, flesh and intellect to its core. As to expose the need mankind has for its Creator.
We believer's need to remember Gods Word is our surgeon, counselor, adviser, comforter, motivator, and on and on.
God's Word is the perfect expression of God's Love towards mankind. Let God's Word have its perfect work in our lives.

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Word

John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. #Bible

Surprisingly Sunday my Pastor began teaching in this Gospel. My devotional comes to me randomly from a app, so sharing what I'm being taught is pretty cool.
In the beginning the Word existed, and the Word was in fellowship or relationship with the Father.
And The Word as to His essence absolute Deity.
He simply with God the Father in the beginning.
Jesus created "all" things, there was nothing else made. Not one little iota was made without Jesus. And that is true to this day. Oh some claim to, but they are using what Jesus already created.
We tend to take Jesus and His wonderful Grace for granted, but remember Jesus to this day and beyond holds it all together. If he didn't molacues would just float apart and we would no longer exist in our flesh.
With such amazing Power can you see the awesome Love our God has for us little specks of dirt sitting on the window of time seal looking off into eternity?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Be Wise

Proverbs 13:20 () 20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm. #Bible

The idea is walking or spending your time with the wise and sharing your life experiences, feelings and understandings ethically and religiously. Walking with the wise means their wisdom will rub off on you.
To be a companion of fools is to hang out with those who would lead you on a meandering walk entertaining all of the lusts of the flesh. Your experience produces nothing beneficial. The result is harm, you are broken or destroyed. Worse off than before you became their companion in life.
The expression "choose your friends wisely" because they will know you well. Another expression is "you are who you hang out with", or "guilty by association". We probably have more expressions but I think you get my point.
If we want to improve in this life then we should strive to walk with Godly Wise men, and the first  one that comes to mind is Jesus the Christ. He has written us a love letter that will last us a lifetime, its called the Bible.