Friday, January 22, 2016


Philippians 1:29  For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, ESV #Bible

It's evident from the beginning of our salvation that we Christians experience persecution in one form or another. To a seasoned Christian we understand persecution runs hand in hand with our salvation, like its a package deal.
Here we see the Apostle Paul revealing the fact that just as we have been granted for the sake of Jesus our Messiah, our salvation, so our suffering for Him also.
Experience tells me that in my suffering for Christ, it brings a sensitivity to the greatness of the gift of my salvation, and its evidence and reality of being true.
This suffering, as salvation, has been granted to us. It has been given to us from someone greater than ourselves, meaning from God Himself.
For those who cause our sufferings it is the proof for them and ourselves that perdition awaits them.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


1 Corinthians 13:2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. ESV #Bible

If we could see the future, or like Sherlock Holmes decipher all mysteries, even master all knowledge, and possess all faith so as to accomplish any feat, even to remove any mountain and throw it into the sea. It would mean nothing, or be worth anything.
Without love those capabilities would be worthless, they would only bring despair, and leave you wanting for more.
In the beginning, when God created all things we find in this reality, human beings recognized God's influence, His presence in what He created. They knew that a greater being than themselves existed, and that it was wise to fear and honor Him and worship Him for who he is.
There were those human beings who chose to disbelieve and rebelled, dishonoring God and His creation and even themselves, rejecting God's soul purpose, His Love.
God's Love was the motivation for His act of creation, His Love is the driving force behind everything He does.
God's Love is Jesus, the Lamb of God who God sent to this planet to save us from our rebellious sins.
Any power, any ability, knowledge, or anything else on this planet comes to nothing, if it is not empowered and motivated by a God like Love. All will end up as a wasteland of effort. To look at God's Love which is dripping like honey from all He has created, it is only viewable with honesty and acceptance. We must first realize God's Love for each one of us saint or sinner, before we can do anything that will last beyond our time, even to eternity.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Proverbs 10:19 When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent. ESV #Bible

What an ability it is to master the tongue. It seems the mouth never runs out of words.
Interestingly the more words used to communicate a point only creates more confusion and misunderstanding.
Then there is the assumption that the one you are talking to knows what you mean rather than what you are saying.
Just in these points made, I can remember times when the communication or discussion turns into an argument and some times an out right fight. That's where transgressions happen.
Restraining our lips for me is to take time to think, not only about what I want to say, but how it will be received. That in it's self is a difficult task, and I have been working on this pretty much my entire life.
The best suggestion I know is those wonderful words "Lord Jesus help me". With God's help we can accomplish many things we think are impossible, and that's prudent.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


John 3:18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. ESV #Bible

To believe in Jesus is to consider, to trust in, to rely on, to depend on, be assured of and have faith in Jesus to be the one and only unique Son of God, the Messiah.
It's understandable in the beginning that being moved by a desirous hunger in our  hearts, we believe by our God given faith in Jesus.
As time goes on in our relationship with Jesus through His Holy Spirit we gain experience with and a knowledge of Jesus. As we study the Word of God we learn more about our wonderful Saviour, and our belief grows stronger.
If one chooses through examination, or opinion to not believe, as they live, they are condemned all ready. There is no need for them to die or stand before God pleading, because their disbelief is the witness and proof of their condemnation.
God has left the decision entirely up to us, we make the choice to believe or disbelieve. So there is no blame that can be held against Jesus, or God, we hold the entire responsibility to live forever, or die, meaning separated forever from Jesus.
If you feel inside that God is real, than the only way to God is through Jesus.
Believe and be saved from the deadly separation that awaits those who disbelieve.