Friday, September 25, 2015


John 14:1-6  “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.  And where I go you know, and the way you know.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. #Bible

Don't worry, Jesus tells His Disciples. While Jesus has just revealed His betrayer, and informed Peter of His three denials of Jesus, not to mention His death on the cross. The Disciples are a bit concerned and nervous with what will happen next.
Jesus tells them as you believe in, trust and depend on and have faith in God the Father, Do so with Jesus also.
Jesus tells them of the many mansions, rooms, abodes in His Father's house. He points out that if it were not so He would have told them. Jesus never gave His Disciples opportunity to disbelieve Him before and He isn't now.
Jesus gives the Disciples the good news, that He is going to prepare a place for them.
Jesus isn't leaving the Father God's house, He's just going to another abode, or section of the Father's house, and He will return for them also.
The Disciples will be received by Jesus and will reside with Jesus.
When Jesus said they know where He is going, it figure's Thomas the realist would be the one asking where. Thomas wanted to be sure, just like he did with Jesus rising from death.
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me, Jesus says.
Just like when Jesus appeared to Thomas and told him to put his hand in His side and his finger in His hand, and believe. Jesus now confirms the only way to see or know the Father God was by Jesus. In fact Jesus Goes on to say if you see Me you have seen the Father God.
We Christians today basically go through this same process in coming to know God and knowing through Jesus the Christ, the One and Only Unique Son of God. Who has given of Himself as the Father has, in giving us our foretaste, or proof of our residence, our abode with our God in eternity. By giving us our God, the Holly Spirit to reside in our mortal bodies with us even forever.
Jesus is still at work preparing our home in our Father's Home. I can't even imagine how wonderfully awesome it will be, because our God Jesus has been working for thousand's of years to accomplish His task.
I can't understand how or why anyone would reject our Wonderful Savior, our Wonderful Father God. Can He do any more to show us His Love for Us?
I say believe and be saved from the wrath that is coming very soon for those who reject their Creator God.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

JEHOVAH is the Greatest

Psalm 135:5-7 For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all gods. 6 Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps. 7 He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth, who makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind from his storehouses. #Bible

The LORD is great, Jehovah, the self existent One.
The LORD is Great, in age, intelligence, in wisdom, even size. The LORD is smarter, stronger, quicker, in every ability we can imagine. Yes we fear Jehovah, but we are not afraid of Him, because we know our eternal Father Jehovah
Jehovah is so great, those who because they don't see Him think He doesn't exist, He is still there. Maybe even standing right in front of them.
Jehovah is superior in every aspect of our thinking and imagination, able to do whatever He pleases when He pleases.
Jehovah controls and maintains everything, including our very lives, now that's Love. To allow those who say He doesn't exist, to exist themselves.
Jehovah desires all people to come to Him, and be His children. That's why Jehovah committed the Greatest act of Love of all time in sending His constant companion from eternity past, His only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ to take our place in our punishment for our sins, and freeing us from our sins, our rebellion against Jehovah, the Only True God, our Creator.
How and why would anyone worship idols, or god's that can't speak, they don't hear, or even think.
Bless Jehovah, Bless God our Father, Praise His Holy Name for His Wonderful Loving kindness.
Bless Jehovah for His Amazing Dependability and Faithfulness, not only to His own, but to the world of people who don't know He Is.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Proverbs 20:22 Do not say, I will repay evil; wait for the Lord, and he will deliver you. #Bible

Our natural instinct is to react when we are wronged, its seems deeply imbedded within us. To retaliate seems to satisfy all of our emotions at the time. Interestingly though we usually feel regret or even guilt afterwards. The problem with this is that our retaliation drives us even further from the possibility of reconciliation.
Waiting for the Lord Jesus insures the outcome which is truly what we need, and we don't do those things that cause us regret or guilt.
God who knows our hearts, He knows exactly what we need, and He is the only One who can deliver us with the best outcome.
There is another side to this concept of waiting on the Lord. We get to watch God work in our lives. We get to see Him cause those who wronged us to surprisingly apologize, or even get what's coming to them. Jesus might even heal our hearts, or give us wisdom in what is right. Our Lord in dealing with them might even take us from hurt and anger to actually praying for those who have wronged us, asking Him to let them go or stop dealing with them so harshly. I have had this happen in my life, to go from hating them to asking God to stop, yes its weird, but the lesson wasn't for them, but for me.

Rom 8:28 ISV And we know that for those who love God, that is, for those who are called according to his purpose, all things are working together for good.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Hebrews 4:16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. #Bible

Yes we have this privilege as Christians.
For those who don't have a personal relationship with Jesus the Christ, they can only come crying for God's Mercy and forgiveness, requesting Jesus to be their Lord, and Lord of their life.
We Christians know Jesus as our Lord, as our protector, our provider, and our High Priest. Jesus intercedes with God for us. It is through Jesus that we receive Grace from God's favor, which we are incapable of earning.
We Christians can at any time, without fear or hesitation, day or night, go to God our Father seeking what ever we need. God loves us and we are His children, we are family. Not from anything we deserve, but because of God's Mercy and Grace, and His Love.

That thus coming, feeling, and calling, we may have the utmost confidence; for we have boldness, liberty of accessfreedom of speech; may plead with our Maker without fear; and expect all that heaven has to bestow; because Jesus, who died, sitteth upon the throne! Hallelujah! the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. (Adam Clark)