Sunday, December 3, 2006


If you are talking about wanting to know the truth, well then it’s obvious it doesn’t come from us. All we possess is speculation. We must learn, even what truth is, and that must come from outside of us.

I have searched for truth all my life, only to find it was right under my nose all the time. Truth isn’t relative, meaning, your truth is yours and my truth is mine and we just need to get along. It doesn’t work in reality that way. Truth must be universal for all. Opinions can be relative, and as we can see in this convoke they are.

With that said, now I can tell you, in my experience of life, lies are much more prevalent. I long for truth, not just any truth, but truth in understanding the reason for my existence. Why am I here, for what purpose? In my search I must confess to you that the bible and only the bible have passed the test of time in telling me the truth. You see the bible isn’t just a bunch of stories, it’s a bunch of life’s experiences. The bible is a piece of literature that was written over fifteen centuries, one thousand five hundred years. It is one of the oldest complete writings known to man, and it has stood the test of time. For that alone it deserves respect. But there is a lot more, but for times sake, the bible comes down to expressing one main point. God loves you and me, and that’s it. No other religion or philosophy even attempts to communicate this fact. That God forgives us for our rebellion, and He wants to be involved in our lives being best friends with us. Just like He was with all of those people in the bible “stories.” I have come to know that the bible will never tell you to do something that will hurt you. It will never, through its council tell you to do something wrong. That is as far as morals go, or living by some law. The bible communicates freedom, peace with ones self and with others. It teaches that there is no condemnation from you, from others, and not even from God. I hope the next time you read the bible you will ask God to help you to simply understand what you are reading. Then you be, your own judge of what truth really is.