Sunday, June 15, 2008

On Yahoo’s Shaky Future: Well Said | Kara Swisher | BoomTown | AllThingsD


I'll bet this name best suits Mr. Yang.  Unfortunately, its a fantasy fast fading from a dream. 

I agree with this article, in that the gold ring has passed you by, the train has left the station, the fuse has been lit.  Need I go on?

The sad part is that I really enjoy what Yahoo has been doing with their services, their integration, the design, and the ease of use.  What Yahoo has done is highly impressive, its too bad they aren't an ISP.  They have demonstrated vision toward the future in anticipating what the public wants and also what they need.

What up with Google?  Why don't you just strap a dying leper to your back and say I'll heal you!  Why does Google need Yahoo?  They didn't need them before why do they need them now?  Yes I understand that once upon a time far far away there was a partnership, but who outgrew who?  Of course remove Microsoft from the picture, and ask the question again, why does Google need Yahoo?  Has Google lost their vision?  Or maybe is it too grand, being so large that someone forgot the legs it will need to walk?  Yes I have questions!  As I sit here eating my chocolate chocolate chip cookies on Father's day.

I think Mr Yang needs to get out of the sand box and get into the board room, and oh, leave the ego, let the cats bury it.

R. William Collier

On Yahoo’s Shaky Future: Well Said | Kara Swisher | BoomTown | AllThingsD