Friday, October 3, 2008

What’s become of the News Agencies today?

I have been bombarded by our so called news agencies long enough to witness the new phenomenon of what once was neutral reporting.  To what is obviously now only sided news reporting.  You might be asking where have you been?  And you are right.  I in the past had the attitude of who cares, its all biased anyway.  I must confess, this time I have gotten interested, because of what I have been hearing.  I would have left talking about these topics such as the election to those who liked this sort of stuff.  However this time I can’t help feeling a since of concern for the personal agenda being purported by these agencies

My question is what has happened to our country?  Why did the news agencies become so biased, favoring candidates.  All of the discussions about Sara Palin’s ability to serve as Vice President and how they are capping on how comical it is to even consider her.  Who is qualified according to this standard that is being set?  How would Obama fair, or anyone else?  This is not even the American way of doing things nor is it a characteristic of American freedom.

If you don’t want her as VP, don’t vote.  Why would you try to convince the people of The United States of America  towards your opinion.  Oh just reporting the news isn’t enough for you.  Well Who is in charge here?  Who made these so called news reporting agencies an authority on who should run and who is qualified?  Is this the kind of Nation we have become?  The American People are your bosses and I believe these news reporting agencies have lost touch with their audience.  They have forgotten there functioning place in society, or are trying to be something other than their historical character?

I believe we are on a new threshold looking towards news reporting in the future.  These agencies are quickly becoming obsolete and have served their purpose in their present state.  They have now become an influence that is counter productive in this new internet society in which we live.  Now that all of the so called news reporting agencies are owned and controlled by so few, means to me, that they can no longer be trusted with the truth.  Now if you go with the new age concept  that truth is relative, well you can keep being influenced by them.  But if you really want the truth, you might consider what the wonderful people of this country are saying.  That is the truth worth hearing, its called free speech, and its present form is called Blogging.

News people, you are now being held accountable.  In the past you have gotten away with just about everything, but today is a new era and you will be called to the mat for the agenda you promote.  For the first time in history the entire planet has the ability to communicate what it thinks as individuals and the truth is the cream that rises to the surface.  Be afraid be very afraid, the people of the world have a voice.  This new power is not going away, you will be assimilated, or discarded as out of touch and obsolete.

Bill Collier