Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time always tells the Truth!

This is a email I wrote to some young friends of mine.  Leaving their names out of course I thought I would share it with you my readers.

There is one big benefit in living a lot of years and that wisdom is allowing time to tell the truth.  Propaganda has played a very huge part in this election and also in our society in years past. 

What you need is something that you know is trustworthy and where honesty exists.  Time will show you that, in your family, and in Jesus. 

I in my life have found that true wealth is found only in family and the more you have the richer you are.  In Jesus and His word, standing the test of time, has proven to me to be the only message of love that has lasted through time. 

The Bibles you posses are documents far older than all of this propaganda that is touted today.  Your Bible is ancient, up to 6,000 years and possibly older, and God's word has in fact stood the test of every attack conceivable through time and yet you posses multiple copies here today. 

That is the truth, this stuff you hear today is well, if you are a Christian, of the world and controlled by the evil one, who is the god of this world.  If we are Christians then, the Kingdom of God has come near and we have entered in by passing through the door, which is Jesus.  We Christians are not of this world, we are just passing through, on our way to God's kingdom in which we belong. 

I personally have learned that just like propaganda from years gone by, so this stuff will to.  If it is the "truth" it will stand the test of time.  My advise to you is keep watching and pay attention to this stuff.  When you start to notice errors or inconsistencies in this logic, or something just doesn’t feel right,know that is the Holy Spirit showing you what is real.

For me, I have chased my lust for money and even fame, I have exhausted every avenue of lustful desire that was derived from my pride, and I was left wanting.  I have realized that even to possess the entire worlds riches would still leave me wanting.

My only satisfaction is Jesus, and the most valuable possession I have is my Salvation.  With my family I am content, with Jesus, I am at peace.  With this I now can see clearly what my future is and where I am going, and where I want to go.  Yes no pride, no lust, just the Peace of God that transcends all understanding.

With Love in Jesus

Bill Collier