Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama to be spectacular success — or failure? - The First 100 Days-

Ah, President Obama, I would love to cheer for his success.  I would love for him to just take a good hard, clear look at his wife and his two daughters.  Just to see them with all of the possible needs  they have and will have throughout their lives.  Being free from all of the regalings and pressures of the political life.  With honesty and sincerity in recognizing what is really important.

Myself, I must confess couldn’t stand in his shoe’s as far as what he experiences, but as my President I do want him to lead the whole country with an attitude of protecting all of us weather on foreign or domestic soil, in the work place or the class room or in our communities. 

Unfortunately, that clear look has blinders on obviously, and the good old expression is used, “you can’t please everyone all the time”.  This seems these days to be a justification to continue on with the all mighty agenda.  This agenda that has landed him in the oval office.  This agenda that isn’t for the people as a whole, but for those groups of people that behind the guise of change promote their causes that are the desire for the few instead of the many, or obviously the majority.

President Obama is only popular for one reason in my opinion, and that reason is the American People’s desire for change. If that change doesn’t benefit the majority, unfortunately the President’s popularity in my opinion will tank.  That causes me to fear greatly, because as we have seen in the last six months with our economy being stalled, I’m concerned that it will not only stall, but stop.

Then what benefit will the personal agendas be, or who is politically correct, or what program gets instituted?  The only program of popularity might very well be the program that takes care of the unemployed, homeless and hungry.

Bill Collier



Obama to be spectacular success — or failure? - The First 100 Days-