Friday, November 23, 2007

WorldNetDaily: Putting the 'thanks' back into Thanksgiving

Now here is an article that communicates the beginning of Thanksgiving!  The writer here gives us the history from an objective position, and then he shares from his personal convictions.

Greg Laurie is a Pastor and so knowing that means what he says contains no hidden agenda.  He is speaking from his perspective as a Christian Pastor.  Unlike the article I wrote previously to this one.

To look at Thanksgiving, you have no choice but to look at it from the Christian perspective because that's who these pilgrims were.  Christians escaping religious persecution, looking for a new start by faith in God.  Trusting God to see them through at what ever the cost. 

They were Thankful to God for preserving them and also the new friends they were sharing the meal with.  Who as it turned out, because of the time of year had there own version of Thanksgiving feast, it was a good match.

I would recommend reading Greg's article for its objectivity, and also its honesty in sharing the love of God.

WorldNetDaily: Putting the 'thanks' back into Thanksgiving