Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Computer, The Internet, and the Cell Phone, Can these three be ONE?

When I step back and take a look at the last twenty years of the evolution of the Internet, it is absolutely amazing.  This modern day phenomenon of American creativity  is one of its very best creations.  To me it reflects the unification of the world, a sense of unity never before seen in history since the tower of Babel, (if you don't know the story its in the Bible).

These Mega companies such as Google and Microsoft and a slew of others, really too many to name.  The billionaires it has produced like the Google boys and Bill Gates and the list goes on and on.  The whole thing is beyond conception.  Well at this stage of evolution I must confess I am a bit frustrated as a user of the computer, the cell phone, and the Internet, and also I guess, the Wireless Applied Protocol.  My hope is that Google is moving to better unite these three, which as of yet are either bogged down with a lot of useless additional processes, or multiple programs such as messenger's needed on my computer just to keep in touch with my people.

For example if you are like me, I actually have the MSN Messenger, the Yahoo Messenger, yes Aim and Google Talk too.  This is ridiculous, but I like MSN for its versatility, Yahoo because I can play music and shrink it to my desktop, and it works together with MSN now.  Aim has XM radio and it works with Google Talk on my Firefox browser.  No I don't believe I should pay for radio when I pay for my ISP, that would just be one more program and process my computer must tolerate. 

Of course maybe this is to say before connecting these three together maybe we should work on the Internet and the computer before we even consider going near the cell phone.  If these four companies could possible meet on the common ground of producing one messenger that incorporated the characteristics of all four I would be eternally thankful.  Wow could you imagine if they could do the same with one Browser, better yet why do we even need a browser or messenger if we had only one.  Well I tried, but if we are going to have all three of these mediums working synergistically, I believe it will take a lot more compatibility than presently exists, the future demands it, and it is the only way to move with social change and popularity.  Does Google have what it takes?  Are the Cell Companies willing?  Can the fat cats share the success?  Can We all get along?

R. William Collier