Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dysfunctional Thinking

Here we are in 2010, and our country is in the depths of what is described as a recession, but to those who are suffering for lack of work might think a bit different.  Possibly even, using the curse-ed "D" word,  yes depression might fit their mood a bit better.  I hear from the info tube on one hand, unemployment is going down, yet the numbers say we are still shrinking in jobs. 

As long as the jobs shrink how can the unemployment count go down?  Even when the numbers for created jobs are claimed to be increasing I have trouble believing the truth in that, when my money is paying their salaries.  When business is standing still or more obvious shrinking just like unemployment, how can these so called jobs continue for an extended amount of time? 

That sounds like someone who got drunk the night before, and woke up hung-over.  They drink a few beers or whatever and the hangover is gone, but in reality they are just putting off the hangover until they have nothing left to drink.  Yes I am describing an alcoholic, of course then you see the mentality of this thinking to create new jobs, it is dysfunctional thinking. 

When I hear my President tell me he understands my budget and because of hard times, my need to cut back and save more money for a future emergency, referring to the probability of unemployment.  I see a very seriously dysfunctional mind.  I must wonder if the man is an alien, no not from another country, but planet.   

No one can survive in this way of thinking.  Well there are those alcoholics who because of their addiction will spend every last cent they get on their addiction.  Wow!  I have discovered where our President is coming from.  He's not a narcissist, but either an addict or maybe the progeny of one, at least in his thinking. 

I'm sorry but this is the future of our way of life and the freedoms we are use to, and enjoying.  The only conclusion I can come to is that this President must be corrected and monitored closely or we the People must impeach him.  And that to me is very sad, so I will continue to pray for him and plead that His mind is transformed just as the bible says:

Rom 12:2  Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

Bill Collier